(mom note: I don't think I can get my eyebrows to scowl like that no matter how hard I tried :) )

Happy 1 year blogging anniversary! Wow, I can't believe I've been typing every Sunday night for a year, whew! Although I must say that my stubs don't get tired as quickly as they did when I was just 2 months old!
This week, the winter snuggles kicked in. I haven't been feeling the greatest...my top eye teeth are coming through, numbers 15 and 16. I spent lots of time with daddy during the week, but I just wanted to be held...and I whined....a lot! Last monday my great grandma wanda and great grandpa ed came down to visit me though! My dad and I showed them everything I love to do. We climbed through the tunnel, rode the roller coaster, went down the slide...they pretty much think I am the coolest thing ever...and they're right!
This week, the winter snuggles kicked in. I haven't been feeling the greatest...my top eye teeth are coming through, numbers 15 and 16. I spent lots of time with daddy during the week, but I just wanted to be held...and I whined....a lot! Last monday my great grandma wanda and great grandpa ed came down to visit me though! My dad and I showed them everything I love to do. We climbed through the tunnel, rode the roller coaster, went down the slide...they pretty much think I am the coolest thing ever...and they're right!
Friday night I went out to eat with the Lokkens and Stuart and Jill. Other than that...I seriously didn't do anything!!! ....boooooring! Saturday my mom and I stayed in our pj's the whole day!!! She cleaned, and I drug out toys after her. We read a ton of books and even watched a baby Einstein dvd....luuuucky! Hopefully next week will be more exciting. We start play group again, I can't wait to see my friends!
Later Gator,
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