Do you know what 14 months brings?? I'll tell you what it brought for me. Ummm, huge temper tantrums and fits!! Doesn't that sound like fun?! I'm very good at throwing myself backwards when I don't get what I want! I am easily frustrated (just like my mom) and have a bad temper (just like my dad) so the two combined are not good!! I am really into the shape sorter, and am getting very good. But if I can't get that dang triangle in, watch out!! I will throw that sucker clear across the room!!! I'm also starting to stand in my stroller and I want to get out of the cart. Oh how I wish I could just run free!! The word of the month is "uh-oh". I say that for everything! And maybe it's because I do so many things that require an uh-oh. Like ripping up any type of paper (toilet paper included) into tiny tiny shreds and leaving it all around the house. I do this when my parents are sitting on a chair in the bathroom for too long!! I also like to say it when I get up too early in the morning. I've been waking up about an hour earlier than normal, and when dad comes in to get me, I just say "uh-oh" and because it's so cute...he can't get mad! On the good side, 14 months has also brought more snuggles! I really do like to give hugs and kisses now. I think I was making everyone nervous with my lack of loves, but not anymore!!!
I had a very fun and busy week! On daddy's days off we had so much fun! One of the days it was nice and warm out, so we went for a walk!! I got to walk the entire way! 1 whole block. I think my mom was sad when she got home from work and nobody was home so she met us half way on the walk. I would sit every once and a while to play in the snow, sooo fun. Oscar loved it too, but I walked a little too slow for his liking! The other day daddy had off he took me to the children's museum!! We had so much fun. I liked the toddler area the best. Next time we go, we'll have to bring mommy along though!
Friday night my cousins came over to play, and Saturday night Amy came over to visit. And that's about it. My mommy said that I have to get off the computer now and take a nap---she has a lot of homework to do. (blah blah blah!)
Hope you all have a great week! (and make this snow go away!!)
Hugs and Kisses,
Paisley Rian
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