Here I am, back for my weekly update. I'm not feeling the best though, in fact, right now I feel like crud!!...Early in the week I came down with a really really bad diaper rash. My little tush hurt so bad I cried when I sat!! My mom let me run around with no diaper...so I did what any kid would do...I peed on the floor and then stomped my feet in it!! :) After lots and lots of cream...the booty is ready to shake again. But....now I have a very runny nose and just feel yucky. Shoot. And I'm just going to blame my attitude problem on that too, okay?! Hey, I wouldn't have an attitude problem if people would just give me what I want--when I want it. Most of the time all I want is my mommy to hold me. I give her hugs and kisses...I even know Eskimo kisses now! Apparently there are times when she can't hold me. I don't believe it.
This week I spent a lot of time with my grandparents!! Wednesday night I hung out with Grandma Brenda and Grandpa Mike while my mom judged NHS Dance tryouts. Then Thursday I went to G&G Berg's while mommy did that again. THEN...Friday night was game night at our house. Sounds fun, right. Yah, well not when you don't get to stay home and play!!! But, the good part is that I got to spend the night at G&G Berg's with all my cousins! I had a super duper fun time! Saturday mom and I went to watch Daddy do some curling. I loved to run around the curling club and wave at all the cute (or not) guys. Today we went to Kris, Ryan and Katelyn's to celebrate Katelyn's confirmation. They have a kitty...and I liked it! For dinner everyone came to our house. Mommy cooked so that Grandma could have a night off...it's her Birthday tomorrow! Happy Birthday Grandma Bonnie!
Hope you all have a great week!!
Miss P
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