Sunday, April 26, 2009

More words...

Grandma and I jumping!!
(mom note: I absolutely LOVE this picture. You can just see how much fun they are having and how much they love each other. Seriously cute!!)

This is probably in my top five favorite things to do...walk on the couch!

Tantrum!! Somebody help me please!! What type of a mother takes a picture instead of helping her daughter?!?!

Daddy's little helper!! We are hanging hooks for my coat and diaper bag!

Amy always brings the best toys.....even if they are for the dogs! (isn't Joey cute?!)


Painting Grandpa a picture!

Hi there friends, here I am for my weekly update! This week the weather was nice...then yucky. I just don't get it! While it was nice, we went for lots of walks and bikes rides...and I even got to stop at the school playground nearby for the very first time! We also had some visitors as Grandma Brenda and Amy came to visit. We even went to Kyah and Cambree's house too!

So...I'm becoming quite the little sassy pants. I shake my head "no" for everything. Just wait till the word actually comes out! I am still into throwing tantrums...and love to fake them now too. Somehow, my mom knows the difference and ignores me. Hmmm, I'll have to come up with a new plan! I've been adding even more words to my vocabulary too. This week I said, "More", "Tickle Tickle", "Kyah", "Ee I Ee I Oh" and a few other's I've already forgotten.

Today we celebrated my Grandpa Berg's 60th Birthday. His birthday is actually Tuesday, along with my aunt happy birthday! This week is going to be crazy because...tomorrow we are going to the cities to see new baby Alexa Marie Larson (her parents are Katie and Andrew) CONGRATS!!....and then my mom leaves town for 3 days for work. So both Grandma's are on night duty. Then the day my mom gets Dad leaves for a weekend fishing trip. Whew!!!

Oh, on a side note. Turning 16 months and having my nuk ripped out of my mouth as I leave my nice warm crib sucks!!!! It's so stupid...I wish I never turned 16 months. (mom note: little does she know that in a few weeks she won't have it at all....ahhhh!)

Have a good week...thanks for checking in!
Paisley Rian

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