Sunday, April 19, 2009

I'm all about playin' outside

If only my feet would reach the pedals!

We even ate dinner outside!

Just chillin in my new, cute, grasshopper chair from G&G Moe

Daddy taking Osc and I for a spin in the new carrier

And now mommy's turn...

Here we are!!

Wellllllll....warmer weather has arrived, yippy!!! (well, not today...but for the last few days anyway). That means outdoor fun! I LOVE playing with sidewalk chalk, going for walks, playing in my crazy coupe, going down the slide and kicking a ball! Thank you to the Makyah and Cambree who passed down their bike carrier for me (and Oscar) to use! I love it! It's so comfy cozy in there, in fact, I even took a little snooze once! As you can see from the pictures, we couldn't leave Oscie out...he loved it too! And I didn't even beat him up while we road together. Seeeee, I can be nice!!

I am starting to say a few more words! My new favorite is "Ella", she's my bff at Londa's house. But don't worry, I still YELL "Maaaaaama!" and "Oooooscar!" a lot too. I am also super fascinated by airplanes. We live near an airport, so every time we are outside we see at least one go by. I point and get really excited. Too bad my eyes are so sensitive though...they water and water every time I look in the sky. My climbing skills have paid off!! I can get in the Envoy, on the seat and into the car seat alllllll by myself now! I have also totally mastered going DOWN the stairs too...which had been an issue for quite some time. (it involved a lot of whining and crying)

This weekend was very fun! Friday night we went to play with baby Avaya (and Bri and Adam)...boy does she have a lot of fun toys at her house!! And she can't even I just basically threw them all to (AT!!!) her! Today Katelyn came to watch me for a bit while my mommy went to a baby shower. Then...we went to G&G Berg's to see ALL of my cousins!! We went out for pizza and games, and then went back to G&G's for strawberry shortcake...mmm....well, the whipped cream was good anyway!

I'm looking forward to warmer weather again this week so I can do lots of dirty playing. Although, just in time for "bath season"...I decided I strongly dislike baths...and scream through the whole thing. It's a new phase. I'm trying to see how loud I can be before the neighbors call the cops on us. :)

Have a good week everyone....somebody turns 16 months this week. And guess what that means??? My nuk is only allowed in my crib. might be a long week...for all of us!
Miss P

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