It's Baseball season, and I'm sporting my cute Brewer's tee! My neighbors all know that we are Brewer fans because they hear daddy yelling from our living room. Sometimes we clap and dance and cheer...and sometimes we punch the chair and yell. Baseball also brings warmer weather...
whoo hoo!! I've been waiting, very impatiently, for warmer weather!! I love me some sidewalk chalk. It doesn't taste too bad either!

Since the weather was nice, daddy let me walk to
Londa's one day! We had an Easter party...so daddy carried all the treats for my friends, my diaper bag, Oscar...and I slowly walked the entire way there. It took us about 20-25 minutes.
Londa lives 2 blocks away!

And...as you know, Easter means coloring Easter eggs!!! I really enjoyed rolling the dye on with sponge rollers! Yes, I tried to eat this too!! I beautifully colored 11 eggs (one broke..and I didn't do it!!!)

Then...on Easter morning...the Easter Bunny left his tracks all the way from my bedroom to where he hid my basket! (We are friends again). It was hiding under the kitchen table..that sneaky little rabbit! He brought me a new ball, little people, Mr.Potato Head stuff, a light up ball, candy, sunglasses, and other good stuff!!

After church today, we went back to G&G Berg's for the Easter Egg hunt!!!! I felt so cook picking up all of those eggs. I'm not sure why the big kids didn't see them, but more for me!! (grandpa was nice enough to "hide" them in the middle of the lawn for me!)

After the egg hunt we chowed down on a
delish brunch with the
fam and played with my new fun toys from G&G Berg and the
Lokken's! My other G&G were there too, because G. Mike had to get on an airplane later that day to go to flight school somewhere far away. He's getting ready to go work on planes a zillion miles away. So anyway, after visiting with everyone, we jumped in the car and drove to
Ladysmith to visit more family! We had lots of fun there too. I even got to play the piano...my first time...and what can I say...I was good at that too!!! I mean, there really aren't too many things that I've tried that I haven't been good at.
Hmm. Basically I just come from super talented genes! :) After a long day, we stopped back at Grandma Brenda's (after she got home from the airport) and celebrated again!!! She and
Gramp got me the coolest outdoor chair ever!!...among other great things! Thanks everyone for spoiling me rotten.....and like my mom said when she was a kid, "oh great, more candy to rot my teeth out!" (member that Grandma??).

I hope you all had a special Easter!!
Have a great week!
Paisley Rian
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