Sunday, April 5, 2009

Mr. E.B. and Miss P are not friends

Visiting Great Grandma Marian in the hospital

We are not friends.


Playing with aunt Mary and cousin Joel


Playin in the yard with my big bro


I don't understand Spring. My mom said spring brings warm weather...well, where is it? Spring also brings the Easter bunny. So far, I say, "Stay away you scary lookin rabbit!!". I just don't think Spring all it's cracked up to be.

This week Daddy went out of town for work, so I got to go to Londa's allll day! I loved it! I got to go on a couple short walks and play in my back yard a bit. It will be nice when I don't have to get bundled up in my winter coat to play! I also had a fun weekend full of visitors. Amy and Joey came to play again, and Kyah and Cams had a sleepover with me!!! I am now a big girl because I got my own bowl of popcorn just like the big girls. Although, Cams kept tattling on me for feeding Joey....and when I was done with my bowl I went right over and took Cambree's. he he he. The same night Aunt Mary, Uncle Larry and Joel stopped by too!! The more to perform for...the better!!
Today I went to the mall. But guess who was there??? The ($%&^*#) Easter Bunny!!! I don't really care if he doesn't bring me a basket. I'll be just fine with the toys and snacks I already have, okay?! Just don't make me sit on his lap again!!!! Uh, thank goodness I will be asleep when he comes next Sunday!! For dinner we didn't go to G&G Berg's like usual. We went out to eat, and then we went to spend time with great grandma Marian. She "fell asleep" at church today, so she had to go to the doctor. They are running tests and checking her heart. All I know is that she has a big warm heart!! But I hope everything will be okay. She's going to spend the night at the hospital tonight and hopefully she will be able to go home soon.

What else.... I'm trying SO hard to learn how to jump. I can do everything right, but my feet just don't leave the ground yet. Huhh. I am spending a little less time eating my crayons and more time actually coloring. I now cannot be left alone with pop-up books. I ruined two of my favorites in a matter of minutes.

Have a great week everyone and a wonderful Easter. I can't wait to show you all how good I look in my very orange Easter dress!!
Until then...


Cheese Lady said...

That Easter bunny is a scary wabbit!! I have a fun picture of Nicole screamimg, all red in the face fighting to get away!!

Heidi said...

Spencer hated the bunny also. We couldn't even get him on it's lap he was holding onto me for dear life!!!