Random Facts about ME!
- I sing the clean-up song many times per day. If my parents say it's time to leave, take a nap, change my diaper, go to bed...I automatically start singing, "neen up, neen up"
- I dance. All of the time.
- I am a great eater.
- I throw numerous tantrums per day. I like to get my way.
- The only way I will bathe lately is in the sink, with the water running.
- I am going to have a new cousin in November! Auntie Sabrina has a baby in her belly!
- I am very loud. I yell... a lot.
- I am on 4 days nuk free!!!
- I take my shoes off every chance I get.
- And then I throw a tantrum because I can't get them back on myself.
- I have the best grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles anyone could ever ask for.
- I am still a superb waver. I should be in a parade. Or a greeter at wal-mart. Or not.
- I can color very pretty pictures.
- I pick all the pretty flowers my parents just spent a ton of money on. And they yell.
- I can only go backwards in my car and on my lion. I wish I knew how to move forwards.
- I am my parents miracle and I turn 17 months old this week.
Have a great week everyone!
Love, Paisers
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