Monday, May 25, 2009

Has anyone seen my Nuk? It's gone!!

Stick!! I love to pick up sticks!!

At my last day of play group for the year. :( I will go to playgroups at the park, but when I return to FRC in the fall, I will be with the toddlers! As you can see I am wearing my beautiful visor that Daddy and I made.

I am very sad to leave play group. Here is proof of my tantrums.

My neighbor, Mason is about 6 weeks older than me. He let me ride in his wagon with him while the big neighbor girls pulled us up and down the street. Mason kept yelling, "no mine" though....I don't get it.

Here I am at my first parade!!

The Lokken girls gave me these cool things!

Clapping to the bands. I even saw two of my babysitters, Katelyn and Haley!

The fam.

Random Facts about ME!
  • I sing the clean-up song many times per day. If my parents say it's time to leave, take a nap, change my diaper, go to bed...I automatically start singing, "neen up, neen up"
  • I dance. All of the time.
  • I am a great eater.
  • I throw numerous tantrums per day. I like to get my way.
  • The only way I will bathe lately is in the sink, with the water running.
  • I am going to have a new cousin in November! Auntie Sabrina has a baby in her belly!
  • I am very loud. I yell... a lot.
  • I am on 4 days nuk free!!!
  • I take my shoes off every chance I get.
  • And then I throw a tantrum because I can't get them back on myself.
  • I have the best grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles anyone could ever ask for.
  • I am still a superb waver. I should be in a parade. Or a greeter at wal-mart. Or not.
  • I can color very pretty pictures.
  • I pick all the pretty flowers my parents just spent a ton of money on. And they yell.
  • I can only go backwards in my car and on my lion. I wish I knew how to move forwards.
  • I am my parents miracle and I turn 17 months old this week.

Have a great week everyone!

Love, Paisers

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