Sunday, May 31, 2009

...And Sleep.

Asleep during lunch. This was a first for me. Mouth FULL of mac n cheese too!

...and still sleeping. zzzzzzzzzzz
(Mom note: Craig did get a video of's hilarious. At one point he even turns off the radio and she automatically wakes up and starts clapping...and then...quickly nods off again. However, the video is too long or something, and I can't get it to upload. I will keep trying throughout the week, so try to check back. )

Mmm, corn on the cob is good!

Daddy and I by the fire truck at Large Vehicle Fun Night

Mommy and I in a front end loader

Dad and I...just drivin'!

Hi, friends and family!

I've been having so much fun playing outside! I am beginning to hate the word bedtime...I can hardly sit to enjoy reading stories because I just know what comes next. Booey. As you can see from the pictures, one morning I got up much earlier than usual...and couldn't even make it through lunch. I just wanted to nap!! But Daddy brings me to Londa's right after I couldn't nap just yet! Oh, and speaking of Londa...guess what?! It's my last week with Londa until Sept!! She has all summer off...and she will be traveling to Texas to see her then Carly and Katelyn will be watching me! And I'm sure Grandma too!

This week I got to go to mom's work for a Large Vehicle Fun Night...and boy was it fun! I got to see tons of kids, some I even knew....and explore big vehicles! I had a picnic with my friend, Gavin...and then ran up and down the sidewalk with Shelby and Kate! Then Friday night I spent the night at G&G Berg's house! My parents dropped me off at "the shop", so I hung out there by the bonfire for a while...then went back to G&G's. My mom and dad went out for dinner ALONE....and then for a few drinks with some friends. I guess Oscie got the house to himself for a night. Which is totally fine...because G&G treated me like a princess! Saturday, I went to Grandma Brenda's for the day so mommy and Amy could work on their reunion stuff. I climbed up the big ladder on the play set and was SO proud of myself! That night, I bummed around with Amy and Mommy and that's about it.

Hope you all have a good week. I'm sure I'll be busy... on my slide, throwing the ball for Oscar, going for bike rides, playing baseball with Daddy, giving Londa lots of loves, stealing pretzel rods out of the cupboard, taking my shoes off, picking up sticks, waving at airplanes, yelling, and giving the sweetest open-mouthed kisses you could ever get!!

Love, Miss P

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