Sunday, June 7, 2009

A Camping We Will Go...

Cheese!! guessed it...I went camping for the very first time! My dad, mom, auntie Melissa, uncle Cal, Makyah, Cambree and I packed up, and headed up to Hayward. We had SO much stuff, but were determined to all ride together. This is what the Lokken's van looked like. And you should have seen the floor by our feet! Poor Auntie Melissa was squished in the middle was something to see...but we made it work!!
We left on Friday morning and our first stop was Wilderness Walk.

At Wilderness Walk they had so many animals around for me to see. Here I am hugging a goat. I was very afraid of the big turtle, but loved the rabbits, deer, kittens, birds, and the rest of the animals!

Besides the animals, they had lots of other fun things to do. We panned for gold, went to jail, had a picnic, etc. The coolest part (according to Kyah and Cams) was the mystery house! It was built crooked, so we couldn't walk straight! It was fun!

Get me outta here!

Mommy and I in jail

Here I am looking at the fish
After a fun time at Wilderness Walk, we headed into Hayward to go to the shops. We went to a candy shop that was every kids dream...and every parents nightmare! We bummed around all the shops, then headed to our camp sight. After a few wrong turns...and a tired 17 month old, we made it!!
Me, Cambree and Kyah checking out the first tent!!

This is where I slept!! It was the very first time I have slept in "bed" with mom and dad. It was SOOO cold out (whose idea was it to camp in early June?) but the 85 blankets we had kept me nice and warm. Maybe too warm...I kept hanging my head and arms off the top of the air mattress. I slept pretty well for my first time in a tent. My parents, however...that's a different story!

My family. My love.

After we got camp set up, we went to the playground for a while...and then we rented a 4 person (although we fit 7) bike!! We tootled around the campsite for almost an hour. I rode in the front basket with Cams...while the grown ups peddled and peddled and peddled. I think this bike ride was one of the best parts of the camping trip...and I think everyone would agree!

Eating my very first smore! MMMM

Daddy and I fed the ducks!

My mom LOVES this picture!! And I love my Daddy!
For those of you who know my mom well...she's a very scheduled person...and mom! So, my eating schedule on a normal day goes, breakfast, lunch, snack, dinner, milikies before bed. Well...since we were on a mini vacay...mommy and daddy thought they could give up the routine and let me snack and snack and snack. I had crackers, and smores, and hot dogs, and chips, and fruit and more crackers, and beans, and 100 blueberries and milk....and in the morning I had...cereal and milk and eggs and crackers...and whatever else I could find. Now you all know I am a good eater....and my mom always tells people to stop feeding me, because I will eat till I throw up.....of course she was just kidding...but I proved her right! After breakfast, we went to the playground and just as I was going up the steps...BARF...and BARF...and BARF!!!! I puked all over...and I mean all over everything!!! My tummy just couldn't handle all that junk!! It was my first time throwing up...ever. I don't think I want to do it again. Especially when we aren't at home!!
After the puking mess, it was luckily time to head back home. I had a very fun time camping and I can't wait to do it again!!
This week Grandma Brenda is going to babysit me!! I had my last days at Londa's this past week. I will sure miss her over the summer, but look forward to spending time with my Grandma and Carly and Katelyn!
Have a good week---gotta go...lots of laundry to do! :)

1 comment:

Danica said...

Hey Paisley,

We love wilderness walk... the deer are my favorite... and don't worry, the turtle doesn't move that fast. Love Elliott