This week was SO much fun!! The first three days I spent with Grandma Brenda. We went to her house and played on her swingset, went for walks, and spent lots of QT together! I hope I can do that again soon!
And since the weather finally started to get nice again, that meant lots of time playing outside for me!! We played in our yard, at the Sam Davey playground and at the Riverview playground! I just love to climb and slide....and draw with sidewalk chalk....on anything BUT the sidewalk. And mom's pants seem to be my very favorite place to color!! I've even gotten to play some mean games of wiffle ball with all the neighbor girls and their daddy's. My daddy helps me hit the ball and then I RUN RUN RUN....with the bat in my hand of course! We also had a few bon fires in the evening..."hah" "hah" (HOT).
Saturday, Cody and Grandma Bonnie came to play for a bit. I loved playing with Cods! But once my daddy started up the lawn tractor to give us rides...that was it...Cody was too upset to play anymore. Shoot! Later that day, Makyah and Cambree came over...for a sleepover!!!! We even went to play my very first game of mini golf. So basically my parents paid $6.00 for me to carry around a golf ball---and mom didn't get to golf. I also loved to stand in the middle of the green, and pick up the balls as soon as someone would hit one! Maybe next time I should bring a ball from home! When we were done golfing we hopped on our bikes and headed to the park! FUN!!
You know what else Saturday was?? My great grandma, Marian's 90th Birthday!! Yes, 90 years old!! You would never know she is 90 because she still goes to a million baseball games a year, still drives, plays with me, cooks me good dinners, and is a lot of fun! Here's wishing you a great Birthday, Grandma...and I can't wait to celebrate with you this coming weekend!!
Paisley Rian
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