Our little girl sure is growing, along with her attitude. Paisley loves to...do everything herself. This includes shutting every door (don't you dare shut it for her), zipping her own pj's, getting her own diaper on and wiping her own poopy diapers (and no, I don't let her), and the list goes on. At least she likes to do things for herself, right?! She is also really into tv lately. I hate to say it, but just a few weeks ago I said, "I can't wait till Paisley will sit for a show so I can get something done"...well, now we are going to have to start limiting her tv time! She is in love with "Yo Gabba Gabba" and "Dora". She also loves to run!! It really doesn't matter where...she just loves to run. Another one of her new favorites is taking Oscar on a walk. She now holds the leash, and he walks right beside her. She also insists on carrying the poop bag (with poop in it!) , so of course I let her! One night this week we got out the parachute and had some fun. However, this will be more fun when we have more kids to hold the sides of it!

And like I said....run run run. Here is Daddy chasing miss P around the house. I love watching them play together!

Paisley has also become quite adventurous. Grandma Brenda bought her a sit-n-spin. And yes, she sits on it....but on the very top part...you know, where you put your hands to turn it. She jumps on the couch and climbs on everything. What I can say, is that the girl is resourceful. She moved her potty chair to the bathroom counter, and this is how I found her.

This weekend Paisley and I went to the 2nd annual "mommy/baby picnic". Last year, many of the kids were not walking...this year...most of them were. It was not easy, to say the least, to get the kids to take a picture. In fact, this year we didn't get one of just the kids. Paisley wouldn't sit for the life of her....apparently she doesn't want any other kids stealing her thunder in the picture. It was really fun to take the time for all of us mom's to get together and chat. We even got to see two brand new babies, Nash and Carter! So fun! Here she is swinging during the picnic.
Twin Update: 13 weeks
Well...these babies are a growin'. My jeans are seriously tight...although I don't look pregnant yet--I'm just at the "I look really fat" stage....which is just perfect when I have my 10 class reunion coming next weekend. :( I did dig through and pull some maternity clothes out, but ugh...I'm just not ready!! I've been feeling a little bit better. Still feeling sick once and a while, but mostly if I'm hungry (which is all of the time) and hot. I'm still not sleeping at night, I typically wake up for a good 2 hours and watch a little HGTV or Home Improvement around 2 or 3.
The babies fingerprints have formed and their veins and organs are clearly visible through the still-thin skin, and their bodies are starting to catch up with their head — which makes up just a third of their body size now. If we're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. The babies are almost 3 inches long ,the size of a medium shrimp and weighs nearly an ounce.
Enjoy the week---it will be a great one for us....Grandpa Mike (my mom's husband) comes home Monday!!! Welcome home!
Brook, Craig, Paisley, Oscar, Baby A and Baby B
1 comment:
brook- that sink picture is sooo funny!!!
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