This week Craig and Paisers had 3 days to spend together, and I worked... a ton. Otherwise, it was a pretty low key week.

Thursday night, the Lokken girls came over for a few hours. Paisley absolutely adores her big cousins. She imitates everything they do, and Kyah and Cams are so good to her! Here they are in a band, on stage. Although, Makyah was not too happy when anyone else interrupted her solo. Excuuuuuse us! :) Paisley's instrument is on the floor. She didn't understand the concept of actually bringing it on stage with her. Whatevs.

Miss P is also quite the comedian. I'm guessing if you asked Craig, he would say her "funnyness" comes from him....but since he's not here right now....I'm pretty sure it comes from me. I mean, have you not heard my mom, grandma and I laugh at our own jokes???? That's what I thought. is a picture of Paisley...on a typical day...she seriously just goes about her daily business wearing these Mr.Potato Head glasses! Love it.

I'd also like to say congratulations to two of my friends who had babies this week! Emily and Jason welcomed baby Carter, and Kari and Trent welcomed baby Max! Congrats!!

I'd also like to say congratulations to two of my friends who had babies this week! Emily and Jason welcomed baby Carter, and Kari and Trent welcomed baby Max! Congrats!!
We're also sending out extra prayers for great grandma Marian, as she broke her leg this week and will be recovering in the nursing home for a few weeks. We're looking forward to bringing her favorite great grandchild to visit her this week, Oscar!!
Twin Update: 12 weeks
Last Thursday, I had my 12 week check up. The doctor says that everything looks great! We did get to hear two heartbeats...although he said he couldn't be 100% sure that each time we were hearing different babies, but he really thought they were different. One sounded really loud, the other more faint. So, we'll go with that, and hope that at our next appointment it's a little more distinct. They were both in the 160's. For those of you who love to guess gender based on heart rate, I think this would say girl(s)...however, at this same point with Paisley, hers was 176. The doctor said I am measuring (my uterus) at a bit over 16 weeks. AHHH. Do you know what that means?? Basically....I'm going to be huge!!! My pants are getting a little snug, but I don't think I look pregnant yet.
The babies eyes have moved from the sides to the front of their head, and the ears are right where they should be. (pray to God they are Craig's ears!) From crown to rump, our babies are just over 2 inches long..about the size of a lime, and weigh half an ounce each.
Enjoy the week!
~The Berg's
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