Another one of Paisley's "things" is that she does not let me shower. She literally screams the entire time I am in the shower. Sometimes she peeks her head in, and screams even louder...I just don't get it. If I even turn the water on to clean the tub she freaks! Anyway, this weekend she jumped in the shower with me...and was all smiles! I guess that's the trick...when I have the time.
One of the things I love most about Miss P is her "silliness". She loves to make everyone she is with sock mittens on. She was probably confused, as were to why she had to have socks on in August....brrr was it ever cold Saturday! My mom and Mike had a party, which was really fun...but sooo cold. Paisley didn't mind as she followed Makyah, Cambree and Cody around in the wind and rain all afternoon.
Tonight we had dinner at the nursing home, so that we could visit with Great Grandma Marian. She's recovering from a broken leg, and still has a couple of more weeks left before she can return home-- so it was nice to spend a Sunday night with her too!
Our babies now measure about 4 inches long, crown to rump, and weigh in at about 2 1/2 ounces. Each about the size of an apple.
The best part...I can now feel the babies moving!!! I have been wondering for a while if it was really it...and I'm pretty sure now, that it is baby movements...and not something else :). My sense of smell has all the sudden been heightened, and all though I love it while I'm grocery's not always the most fun to be able to smell anything and everything!
This week we have our 16 week appointment. I am so looking forward to hearing the heartbeats again, and hoping that this time each baby will be more distinct.
AND, this week we celebrated our first born baby's 5th Happy Birthday Mr. Oscar Miller!! In his old age he still licks like you wouldn't believe, and can chase his little orange football like he is a pup. And this poor guy also has no idea what's in store for him. Although, in his defense, he was definitely the first one to know I was pregnant!! And...he is the reason I thought maybe I could be. He's typically a daddy's boy...not while I'm pregnant!
Have a great week......
The Berg's
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