Hmm, is anything comin' outta there???? I love this picture...she's like, I wonder when somethings going to happen down there!! We haven't been pushing the potty training, but she does sit on it quite a bit during the day. She still hasn't actually gone potty...but I'm sure with time it will come!
This week was very exciting for us as Paisley started back at Londas!! Whoo hoo!!! Londa has lots of kiddos this year....Ella, Cambree, Bobby, Kate, Colton, Kailer, and obviously, Paisley. Sounds like a lot of crazy toddlers to me!

(P and Londa on her first day back. 8/31/09)

(Riding outside at Londa's!)
As you all know by now, Paisley has a mind of her own. Each day she chooses where she wants to get dressed and get her diaper changed. She usually has to be lying on her monkey pillow, with 500 toys in her hands during the process. Here she escaped while trying to get her dressed...just too cute not to post.

This weekend Craig worked some long hours, so it was just Paisley and I all weekend. We packed up lots of summer clothes, and many of her 12-18 month clothes. Her closet looks quite bare now...I guess that means a little shopping is on the agenda! We (okay, I can't lie...mostly Craig) are starting to pack up the house for the big move. Only a few weeks, and we will in a new home! It's so hard to even know where to begin....so I just keep procrastinating! Thank goodness for Craiger...he's already been hauling totes and boxes and piling them in the garage!
Paisley and I took advantage of our alone time and went to the park one morning.

Then on Sunday we took a little road trip up North to see family. I'm always nervous about taking Paisers in the car for longer than 20 minutes alone....she's not a good car rider. In fact, I hate to say it, but Santa might be bringing a portable DVD player for Christmas!! Anyway...surprisingly, she did pretty well. We visited with great grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and more.

(We went to a parade and Paisley was really good at running out to get candy.......except the boys sitting next to us were just that much better. She did get enough candy though!!)
It was fun visiting with relatives....and the ride home was wonderful!!!!

The end of this week cannot come soon enough!! Craig will be starting the DAY shift!!! Okay, so I have complained about his schedule for 4 looooong years, and it is finally coming to an end, well....at least for 6 months!! He will still have the stupid rotating shift and work lots of weekends, but his hours will now be 5:30am-2:00pm (instead of 1:30pm-10:00pm)...........do you realize what this means?? We will actually have dinner together!!! We will actually parent together!!! We won't have to communicate via telephone!!! .......omg, I hope we still like each other! :)
This week also means the end of my wonderful 4 week break from grad school.....back to the grind I go. School will run all the way up to Christmas, and then I will take Spring semester off...you know...I might be a little bit busy with, oh I don't know......TWINS!!! :)
Speaking of the babes.....
Last week we had a doctors appointment. Everything looked great. We heard two distinct heart beats---one was 160 and the other 172. What does that mean?? Umm, that they are healthy as far as we can tell. I have NO instinct as to what the genders are. I didn't really with Paisley either--and then I was sure she was a boy....so as you can see....what little instinct I do have...sucks!
In the next few weeks, the babies will double their weight and add inches to their length. Right now, they are each about the size on an avocado...4 1/2 inches long (head to rump) and 3 1/2 ounces. Their legs are much more developed, their heads are more erect than they've been, and the eyes have moved closer to the front of the head.
I thought I should probably start taking some belly pictures......I have a feeling it's not going to be pretty towards the end.

(So this is what I see when I look down. Given my abnormally small feet anyway...it won't be long until the disappear from my vision!)

(15 weeks)
Enjoy the shorter work week!!
The Twins, Paisley, Oscar, Craig and Brook
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