So, I swear I could feed Paisley condiments for the rest of her life and she would be happy...she looooves her sauces! Ketchup, ranch dressing, sweet and sour, honey mustard....even salsa!! Once at BWW she ate the entire bowl of salsa with a spoon. She's always been a great eater. Some of her favorites these days, of actual foods are: cottage cheese, yogurt, apple sauce, pizza and fruit snacks.
Mama, Daddy, Oscar, Puppy, Bee, Grandma, Grandpa, Eye, Ball, Foofa, Elmo, Hi, Bye, Kyah, Cheese, Baby, Apple, Pizza, Ella, Londa, Bobby, Hot, Spongebob, Uh-oh, Butt, Duck, Backpack, Sticky.
She can also point to every body part...even hard ones like shoulders, knees and elbows. Most animals she calls by the sounds they make. Kitty's are meows and monkey's are ooh-ahh's.
That's about it for Paisers weekly update. This week Craig has M, T and W off...then starts the days of getting myself AND Paisley ready for work/Londa's. Even though I've complained about Craig working evenings, I haven't had to do the normal mom morning mayhem stuff....until now. I'm sure it will be fine...however, Paisley typically sleeps until at least 8:00....not anymore. :(
TWIN UPDATE: 17 weeks
This week hasn't been much different in the world of pregnancy. I am still tired...can't sleep at night...and have been getting really bad headaches. The fun part...I can feel the babies move more and more now...and Friday night, after movie theatre popcorn...Craig even felt some movement!
However...I do have a few gripes----- so don't mind me...
If I don't know you, no, actually....unless you are my best friend or my mom....please don't touch my belly. Not now anyway.
And most of all....I am so sick of random people asking me "which side of the family does twins run on?"........I mean, what do I say to that?? I've been really open with the fact that we have done fertility treatments to get pregnant both times....but it's still really awkward when people ask that. So if you know someone else that's pregnant with twins...just say, wow...that's so fun! Also...please don't remind them over and over how much work it's going to be....I'm pretty sure that enters our minds daily! :)
On to the babies...their skeleton's are changing from soft cartilage to bone, and the umbilical cords are growing stronger and thicker. The babies weigh 5 ounces now , the size of a turnip, and they are around 5 inches long from head to bottom. They can move her joints, and the sweat glands are starting to develop.
Enjoy this video...and have a great week!
You look fantastic! Oh and I swear people say the dumbest stuff to pregnant women! You're going to do awesome with 2 babies. :)
you look so cute!! K
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