So, our little sweetie...she's been into so many hugs and kisses lately. She's (for the most part) been a really good listener, and is just getting so big. I am totally making this up, but I feel like when we have one or two really bad weeks....the next week she has grown up so much. I don't think that's a theory that will hold much validity, but I'm sticking with it. :) It just seems like after those weeks she blows me away with how much she knows. Her vocabulary is increasing every day--her imagination is unreal--and I am amazed by the things she picks up. She pretends to put her contacts in, she calls either cousin Kyah or Amy on the phone, she is always in my shoes, necklaces and headbands....I could go on forever. She's so fun!!!
So, Paisley has a "mean face"...but I can't seem to capture it on camera. Here I told her to make a sweet face...and this is what she did. I mean....sweet is an understatement!
TWIN Update: 18 Weeks
Not too much to report on with the pregnancy. I am most likely half way through the pregnancy, which is awesome and scary at the same time! I really miss sleeping on my stomach, and sometimes when I try to do of the babies kicks really hard. Okay! I get it.....there's not a lot of room in there! I was reading something the other day that said the babies are now aware of each other and can kick each other! (even through they are in separate sacs) an only child, I haven't experienced sibling rivalry....I think that's all about to change! My God, they are already kicking each there!
Head to rump, the babies are about 5 1/2 inches long, about the length of a bell pepper and they weigh almost 7 ounces. They are busy flexing their arms and legs and the blood vessels are visible through the thin skin. Their ears are now in their final position, although they're still standing out from their heads a bit. (I sure hope they aren't sticking out as much as mine do!!!)
Sorry, no picture either this week. I know. I am full of disappointments!
In just two posts from now, we will hopefully know the genders of the babies!! I have an appointment in 11 days...not that I am counting down or anything! :)
Have a great week everyone....thanks to the faithful blog followers...see you next SUNDAY! :)
~Brook & Fam
1 comment:
looking forward to pics of the new house!!!! and the belly shots!
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