If you were wondering what it is like to live with Miss Paisley Rian, just close your eyes, imagine the cutest 22 month old you can, and then at the top of your lungs, yell, "mommy", "mine" or "WAAAHH". Then you will quickly understand life at our house.
Craig said to me the other day, "We need the super nanny!"...I was like, "umm, I AM the super nanny!".....and he looked at me like, then why in the heck has our child been screaming at the top of her lungs for the last 30 minutes??!!!
We have been having some major power struggle issues with P. Actually...90% of it revolves around her getting dressed. She's just not gonna do it. So, it literally takes both Craig and I to hold her down to get her dressed. We then leave her laying on the floor...come back, and most often, some article of clothing is off. It's a never ending battle. AND, it's been happening with P.J's too....she will only wear monkey ones. (I mean, who created that monster??). So the other night she went to sleep with summer jammies...all because they were monkey's. When Londa gets back from Hawaii, I might just have to leave that battle to her! :)
Craig said to me the other day, "We need the super nanny!"...I was like, "umm, I AM the super nanny!".....and he looked at me like, then why in the heck has our child been screaming at the top of her lungs for the last 30 minutes??!!!
We have been having some major power struggle issues with P. Actually...90% of it revolves around her getting dressed. She's just not gonna do it. So, it literally takes both Craig and I to hold her down to get her dressed. We then leave her laying on the floor...come back, and most often, some article of clothing is off. It's a never ending battle. AND, it's been happening with P.J's too....she will only wear monkey ones. (I mean, who created that monster??). So the other night she went to sleep with summer jammies...all because they were monkey's. When Londa gets back from Hawaii, I might just have to leave that battle to her! :)
This weekend we had a wonderful dinner at Grandma and Grandpa Moe's. Mike is leaving Monday to go back over seas for another 3 months. We sure are going to miss him. And what's even more scary (and sad) is that when he comes home in February...we will have likely already had the boys! We are sad he won't be there for the birth...but we are glad he will then have the next three months to learn how to change poopy diapers!! :)
Also...thank you to Grandma Brenda and Uncle Cal for watching Paisers this week. Londa was in Hawaii last week, so thankfully, Grandma and Cal stepped in. Thanks again!
And....the most exciting news of the week.....on Friday...we welcomed our niece, Payton Micayla Berg into the family!!! She weighed 7 pounds 8 ounces....and has SO much black hair!! She is just beautiful...and so tiny! Paisley couldn't visit the baby with us, you know...all the H1N1 business...but she had fun playing with Cody while we went to the hospital. Congratulations Randy and Sabrina!!!
For some reason, 26 weeks is scary to me. Probably because it's likely that in just 10 weeks, the boys will be here!!
I feel like I am about 9 months pregnant...and am the same size as I was at 9 months too. The babies are moving so much that we can watch my belly move up and down and around as those little buggers flip and turn in there. It's getting really hard for me to sit, lay, stand...ha ha ha....I have a feeling that I might be doing a lot of complaining in these last few weeks. Anyone who has been pregnant with twins before....please post and let me know if I am being a huge baby...or if this is how you felt!!!
Earlier in the week, a wonderful gift arrived...our stroller!!!! It is the only stroller in the universe that will hold twins and a toddler! THANK YOU Soooo much to my Mom, Bonnie and Melissa for getting this for our family! I have a feeling it will be a life saver! I just hope it fits in our vehicle! If not...maybe that gift will arrive next week. Just kidding!! We really appreciate all you do for us!! Here is Paisley trying it out (and Dora too).
Well...we'll leave you with this clip. Just to make you feel at home with the Berg's alllll week.
(what life is like when I won't carry her down the stairs)
(what life is like when I won't carry her down the stairs)
1 comment:
you are really gonna have your hands full arn't you for a few yrs!! good thing shes cute huh!!
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