I do have to say that last Sunday night we had our first episode of Paisley getting out of bed on her own. Since we've transitioned her to a big girl bed, she always sits in bed and waits for us to get her out. Well, very early Monday morning, she decided she wanted to sleep with us, and took it upon herself to come into our room. I let her in bed for about an hour of kicking, rolling, talking, kissing, etc...and then we had to escort the princess back to bed. Nobody was sleeping! (Well, poor Craig was already at work). That proceeded into me putting a crying 2 year old into her bed, her coming out, me putting her back, her coming out......for a good 5 or 6 times. Then, thankfully...she fell asleep in her own room. And....knock on wood, it hasn't happened again since.
So...I thought this picture did that story some justice.....gotta love the bed head!! :)
Paisley had a sleepover with Grandma Brenda this week, which left us with a night alone. Too bad I can hardly walk!! However, the house did get cleaned, and stayed that way for like a whole day!! Sounds like Pais and Me-Ma had a really fun time building slides with blocks, pretending to be a puppy, and talking to Be-Pa via Skype.
This week I've either had a really good day, or really bad. And on the really bad day....I worked from home. Here was my view. Computer, heater, Oscar...and yes, that's an ice cream drip on my belly!! I think I would be really unhealthy if I worked from home everyday! :)
Anyway.....I did meet with the nurse this week, and the heartbeats were 147 and 152, very typical for them. The not so fun news...I tested positive for Group B Strep...which means I will have to be hooked up to antibiotics as soon as I begin to labor.
However....I do know that they will induce me in less than 2 weeks if I don't go on my own.....WHEW!! (Although, I truly would rather go into labor on my own!).
Stay posted....the boys will be here soon!!!
Also....Congratulations to my friends, Heidi and Ryan, and big brother Spencer, who welcomed Easton Ryan earlier this week. Easton was a couple of weeks early, but is healthy and home already. His mom, Heidi and I have been able to go through both pregnancies together...and I am so happy for their family!!
Have a good week--- everyone needs to pray for a fast, easy and healthy delivery of two baby boys! :)
Brook and Fam
I hoping you have those boys soon! I see a few emails in our future going back and forth about how it is having more then 1 child to care for!!!
well you look great!!!
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