Sunday, January 24, 2010


Things have been a bit pathetic around our household this week. Paisley had her first ever, real fever. I say "real" because she has had a fever a time or two while teething, but in her long 2 years of life, she's never been sick with anything but a cold. Until now. day I stayed home with her (as I wasn't feeling well either!) and the other day Grandma Brenda watched her. She's feeling much better now...but what a pathetic little thing! She would even say, "Paisley sick".

(Before she was sick, her and Daddy took a dip in the hot tub. It had been a long time since P had been able to go in because the weather was so cold.)

And again, what was probably more pathetic than her fever, was this owie. On like Tuesday she pinched her thumb in a tote. It did take a little skin off, but wasn't anything big. Well, to me anyway. ALL day and night, Paisley told us about this owie and how much it hurt. She insisted on having a bandaid on for 4 days, and literally held her thumb up for days. It was truly pathetic. And wow...we have a drama queen on out hands. I have NO idea where she would get that from?!?!
We practiced using scissors by making Valentines projects. Every time the scissors opened, so did her mouth. It was SO cute! She did really well for a scissors-newbie!

Paisley's vocabulary is really growing. She's saying some 4 word sentences, but often leaves out the verb. However....she is on this kick where she repeats EVERYTHING like 500 times!! I can't tell you how many times a day I hear, "Here Mama", over and over and over. Even if I say, "no thank you, mama doesn't need that" it doesn't matter, she will continue saying, "here mama, here mama, here mama" until I take whatever she has.
Saturday, I was actually feeling really well, so we called up Cambree to see if she wanted to go to the Children's Museum for the day. (Makyah had a b-day party). The girls had fun. I think CAmbree liked being the older one and showed Paisley all the fun things to do at the museum. We then headed back to our house, where Cams and I played games and the girls bounced on the big balls.

Twin Update: 36 weeks
Holy Cow, my due date is exactly one month from today!! In one way, I am dying for them to get here, and in another way, I can't believe it's so close!! This pregnancy has been filled with ups and downs, more up's of course, and I'm proud of my body for keeping them as inside babies this long. I'm also proud of my husband for pitching in around the house and of Paisley for somehow understanding that I just can't play on the floor anymore. I have been truly blessed...and now I just pray for two healthy babies!!
Lately, I have had some severe cravings....for... pine sol, toothpaste, ice and regular chapstick. I seriously LOVE the smell of pine sol, even when I'm not pg, but wish I could clean with it everyday. mmmmm. Just the thought!! I also could brush my teeth for an hour....typically I am not a huge fan of toothpaste, but am now. Never a bad thing, huh?! And same with chapstick. I smell it for like 10 minutes before applying before bed. And you will find me chomping on ice everyday too. Weird. (and horrible for my teeth!)
So...the more interesting stuff....the babies!! They each weigh 5 pounds now!! Whoo hoo!! Well, for them's not that fun carrying 10+ pounds of baby around, but they are growing, that's all that matters! They are in the 40th percentile for growth, so just below average. I'm hoping they will beef up a bit more in the next couple of weeks, but the doctors are happy with their progress. I am measuring at 45 weeks. Yes, 45 weeks.....sounds beautiful, doesn't it?? So my placenta is acting like it's 5 weeks overdue. Hence the reason for lots of cramping and TONS of pressure. It seriously feels like...well, I'm actually not going to explain what it really feels like... that would be TMI.
A few things we learned at our appointment---- I will deliver in a surgical room, not a regular delivery room, just in case. Both babes are still head down, which means at this time we are planning on a vaginal delivery (although they want to make sure I have an epidural because lots of times they have to reach in (!!!) after the first one is born to assist the second. Ummm, yah....I was already all for the epidural, but now, I really am!!!) AND, the most exciting news is that if I don't deliver before February 10th, we will have an induction that week. I see my doctor on the 9th...and we will schedule it then, however, he's not in L&D until the we'll see what he says then. I am really hoping I don't have to be induced...but I'm also hoping I'm not pregnant in 3 more we'll see.

(Here are both heads. They are already snuggle buddies! You can even see hair on the baby on the right...on the "top" of his head..that's hair!! :) )
We have everything set. Thank you to my friend, Kari, for lending us her swing and bouncy chair!! Paisley now loves having two of everything for her babies. It's going to be quite the adjustment with real babies to occupy those swings and play with those toys!!

So, I think that's it. This was a long post....and took me even longer because I am trying to write during the Vikings/Saints game. Hard to concentrate!!
I will keep everyone posted, but we should have two babies within 2 1/2 weeks at the longest. WOW!! :) That makes me happy!! I've been having so much trouble sleeping, my stomach tips to the right or left and is painful, so sleeping is really hard. That, and getting up every hour (minimum) to pee (for .5 seconds) really helps too!! At least once the babies come I will be so dead tired that when I lay down for 1 hour at a time, I'll actually sleep! :)
Okay, I am awfully long winded tonight.....
See ya....
The Berg's

1 comment:

Cheese Lady said...

the boy's room is so cute Brook!! Good Luck in delivery! next time I'm up there they should be here for me to see!!