This week Paisley and Daddy got to spend some time outside while the weather wasn't so cold. They tried to make a snowman, but the snow didn't cooperate. They also took some some time to visit the local sledding hill. I was resting, and Craig took Paisley down the hill twice. After the second time, they both got white-washed...and that was enough for them to head home. Paisley loves to tell the story by covering her eyes...Craig said there was a lot of snow in his eyes, and she was in front of him! Tough little cookie.
Potty Update: Paisers has been doing a lot of sitting (and reading) and not a lot of potty-ing. This week, we may have earned one sticker. She's still sitting...just nothin's coming out. We'll continue trying...but not pushing, and see where it takes us.
Twin Update: 35 Weeks
So...not too much to update this week. We have an appointment (and ultra sound) tomorrow....I am so anxious to see how much weight in babies I have been carrying around. I'm pretty sure it's about 4,000. I mean, that's what it feels like!! No belly picture this week....I sent my best friend a belly shot...and she said "OH MY GOD" and Craig said, "That doesn't even look normal, it's kind of gross" I decided not to horrify you all. Although, now I'm sure you're more curious than ever to see it. Yah, it's big...that's for sure!!
Monday night I had quite a few contractions. I laid around, drank lots of water...and went to bed...and didn't feel another one until Friday. Then Friday night I was having them about every 10 minutes....but again after water, a bath, and an early bedtime...they stopped. I've continued to have some today, but nothing too regular. Guess my body is just getting ready. OH, I've also had the pleasure of meeting "cankles" this week. My ankles took a vacation, so for now my calves turn right into my ankles. It's hot. The swelling is only in my legs and feet (so far)...but it's not fun when you have no shoes to wear and there is snow on the ground!
I think that's it. Next week when I post I will be really close to "average twin delivery"....but, who ever said I was average??? :)
Okay...have to get the big sister to bed soon....and take a dip in the tub. Hope you all have a great week...and hopefully I'll be in good spirits and writing this post next week too!!
AND, last but not least, CONGRATS to new parents Amy and Scott, as they welcomed Reese Evelyn into the world on the 11th, and to Kristin and Kevin as they welcomed Reagan Kehl yesterday!! Lots of babies around here....I hope we're next!!
Craig, Brook, Paisley, Oscar and the twins
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