Including Aunt Karen and Uncle Kurt. My uncle said, "Wow, you really never stop talking Paisley!".....and I was you not remember my nick name as a kid?? Babbling Brook?!?! So it looks like Paisers is following in my foot steps as she talks non stop!!
Naps have been hard--- the boys eat every 2-3 hours, but here I snuck in a good nap with my little guys.

HUDSON (Below)

Paisley was Daddy's little helper, steam cleaning the floors. Too bad she can't do laundry yet! :)
My mom and Mike headed off to Costa Rica for 10 days today. Here is a picture of Paisley skyping them last night-- it will be a long 10 days with out Grandma and Grandpa around!!
We made our first trip to the mall with all 3 kids. The stroller has about an inch to spare in the van.....Hudson slept the entire time....Madden cried the entire time....and we made it to ONE store. he he. It might be a while before we attempt that trip again, especially on a Saturday!
Last night, my friend Emily came to the rescue. She stayed over, and helped with the kids! Craig got a full nights sleep....and I nursed, and then handed them over to Emily and she took over. I was so worried that I wouldn't be able to sleep, worrying about Emily.....I was wrong. Because the night before I got about 2 hours of sleep (!!!!)....I zonked right out!! Luckily for Em, the boys made liars out of me, and hardly cried at all!! THANK YOU Emily for your selflessness and generosity!! I owe you, as I got about 6 hours of sleep--- the longest amount in a long time!!!
Well, I think that's it. We're trucking along...enjoying our little snuggle bugs and our not so little girl. oooh, who by the way has started using the potty again. I think undies are in our near future!
Have a good week!
~The Berg's
1 comment:
glad to see the update brook!! they are just the cutiest!! mom and mike look proud!! tell kurt Hi and he's lookin old hahaha ofcourse he is old, older then me!
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