Friday the 12th, at 8:00 am, Craig and I headed in so that I could be induced. I still think if it weren't for the induction, I'd still be pregnant! I was 38 1/2 weeks when we went in. Here we are, just before heading to the hospital to meet our new little boys!!
Then, at 11:07 pm, baby A, Mr. Hudson Koehler Berg was born!! The doctor then broke my other sac of water, and after pushing through about 2 contractions, Baby B, Mr. Madden Michael was born at 11:14!! As you know from the previous post, both babies were really big for twins! In this case, big meant healthy,so for that I was really happy!!
Below- Hudson

Thank you, Craig, for your support through this whole thing. The boys are truly lucky to call you dad!! And thanks to my mom for being there through the whole thing with me, I am lucky to call you mom!!
(Grandma Brenda (my mom) shortly after the boys were born)
(Uncle Cal and Aunt Melissa)
(Grandma Bonnie and Grandpa Mike, Craig's parents)
(Great Grandma Marian, Craig's grandma, holding Madden)
(Great Grandma Wanda and Ed, my grandparents)
(Amy, my best friend, and Matt)
( Great Aunt Mary and cousin Lane)

The boys were both jaundiced, so we had to stay 2 extra days, and left the hospital on Tuesday, February 16th. Here we are, heading home!!

(Cousins, Cambree and Makyah)
The boys definitely have different personalities and look different too!!
Here is a picture of the boys "tanning" at the hospital. They were under the photo therapy lights for a couple of days. When we took them for their check up 2 days after we went home, their levels had risen again, and we have had to keep them on home photo therapy (I think we'll be done with that today, thank goodness!)

(Craig hasn't given up on his obsession with Mario brothers on the Wii!)
Other questions we've been getting.....
Thank you, Craig, for your support through this whole thing. The boys are truly lucky to call you dad!! And thanks to my mom for being there through the whole thing with me, I am lucky to call you mom!!
The boys definitely have different personalities and look different too!!
HUDSON: Is mostly calm, more patient, has more hair, a smaller nose, yet we don't really know who he looks like.
MADDEN: crys a lot, has peed on his dad many times, has reflux and tummy issues already, looks like he's had a perfect hair cut already, looks exactly like daddy's baby pictures.
Other questions we've been getting.....
Are they identical: We haven't gotten the test results back yet, but no...they aren't. We can pretty easily tell them apart.
How is Paisley adjusting: Great! She loves her brothers, and tells people, "mine". She hugs and kisses them, and has been doing great with waiting for us if we are busy with the boys. She's had lots of attention from friends and family, which is helping. She went back to day care today, and will go 3 days a week now, so that she can play with friends and stay in a routine.
Am I nursing: Yes, I am nursing both babies at the same time. It's tricky to maneuver, but with Craig's help I am doing just far! When one baby wakes up to eat, I wake the other one too...I know, I know...never wake a sleeping baby....but in this case, I have to have them on somewhat of the same eating schedules, or that's literally all I'd be doing! I just hope I can continue when Craig goes back to work.
How much time are you taking off: I will have 10 weeks off. Craig is taking 5 off, then going back to work for 5 weeks, then taking another 3 weeks off. Grandma Brenda will take over for summer day care starting at the end of May.
How did you name them: I picked out Hudson, and Craig came up with Madden, and we both agreed on both names! Craig had about an hour to look them over after they were born before I could see them, so he chose which name went with which child. Hudson's middle name, Koehler, is my mom's maiden name and was chosen in honor of my grandpa who was like a father to me. Madden's middle name, Michael, is after Craig's dad and is also Craig's middle name.
Who do they look like: Madden looks just like Paisley did....and Hudson, we aren't quite sure. He has smaller features like me, yet doesn't really look like my baby pictures. I've already come to terms with the fact that I will have 3 mini Craigs---at least we know they are his, right?! LOL
Are you getting any sleep: NOPE, thanks for asking.
Are you done having kids: I know, people are already asking!! And the answer depends on who you ask! :)
Well, I have to go feed these babes. Next week, hopefully I can post on Sunday and get back into my routine....and I will also have more info and pics of miss Paisley! Don't worry, I haven't forgotten about her!!
Thank you for all of your prayers---thank you to those who have visited us--- and thank you to our parents for your support! Paisley, Hudson and Madden sure are lucky to have 4 wonderful grandparents!!
Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson and Madden...and good ol' Oscar too!
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