PAISLEY: Paisley has had a rough week. She had her first case of the pukes. Or "puuuuukes" as she says. Kids at daycare had been sick last week, so we thought we'd protect ourselves and keep P home from Londa's on Monday. Then we sent her on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday-- BAM. She thew up for about 7 hours. Poor thing. Let me tell you, it was a crazy household with screaming babies, a puking child and a dog who apparently loves to eat puke! She acted fine...and then again Saturday....puke!! So not quite sure what's going on with her...but I'm hoping this is over!! Other than the puuuuukes...Paisley has been testing us in many ways. I think the jealousy is starting to set in. She's been fake crying because, "Me baby", and throwing some unnecessary tantrums. However, with two brothers taking over her house, we all understand the wrath! Today, Paisers spent much of the day outside in this beautiful weather!! Spring?!?! We hope so!!!
HUDSON: Hudson is 1 month old!!! He went to the doctor, and weighed in at 8 pounds 3 ounces!! (12th percentile) Hudson has been busy melting our hearts with his snugging and squeaks. He is eating every 2 1/2- 3 hours and sleeping for about the same about of time. Sometimes he gets jealous that his brother is being held so much, so early in the morning he sometimes sneaks his way into our bed for some early morning cuddles.
MADDEN: Madden is 1 month old!!! He went to the doctor, and weighed in at 8 pounds 10 ounces. (20th percentile). Madden has been busy...CRYING. We doubled his medication...but we are going on day 3, and haven't seen any changes. I'm thinking of trying the chiropractor this week. The child seems miserable (therefore, so are his parents!). Because of his pure crabbiness and determination, Madden rolled from his belly to his back two times today!!! He is way fussy, but also an over achiever! We spend lots of time holding he cries even harder when not being held. Madden will go a bit longer than his brother (if we let him) and eats every 3 hours, and sleeps for about as long. Don't worry...even through the constant crying, we love the little guy more than ever!
CRAIG: Craig is on his last week of paternity leave. :( He is looking forward to getting back to work and into the swing of things...I however, am scared for when he returns to work!! He hasn't gotten any of the projects done that he wanted to while on leave...he's been um...a little busy with kiddos!
BROOK: I just can't believe it's been a month since I delivered these little guys! Nights are still wouldn't be that bad if both babies would just go back to sleep after they eat...but one or both are up, so I'm only getting about 1-2 hours of sleep in between the 3-4 nightly feedings. Other than that...the days fly by!
OSCAR: Ruff Ruff.....Oscar is loving the nicer weather, and probably hating the lack of attention! There are days neither Craig or I can remember if we fed the poor guy! Craig still calls him "the chosen one", so once things calm down a bit here...Oscar will be back in the #1 spot in this family!
And photos from the week.....
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