Screaming: is what you will hear if you visit the Berg home. Probably first from Madden, because the poor guy is still crying a lot. However, I do have to say that the medicine might be helping a bit. We have had a few moments of content awake time. Not many, but we've had some. Next, you will hear Paisley screaming. Remember when you all wondered how Paisley was adjusting and I told you that it was going well?! Um, I take that back. She is screaming and crying over everything. She wants me all of the time. She will only wear diapers with Elmo on them (and the pack comes with all Sesame Street characters!). She doesn't want to get dressed anymore (again!) and overall is just having a rough week. We are trying our best to give her as much attention as possible, but as you can's really hard!
Smiles: Hudson gave us his first smile on Tuesday, March 16th! A few times a day he will give us a peek of the cute little smile! Madden has yet to smile, we are working on it...but the little guy is usually crabby...but hopefully it will come soon!
Scaredy Cat: Wednesday night Craig went curling for a few hours. The twins cried the entire time he was gone. And then I cried too! Poor Paisley and I read bedtime books through both boys crying, and finally after a couple of hours, I got them to sleep. After this night, I was SO scared for Craig to go back to work!!
Sunday: Craig returned to work!! And of course, he got ordered in to work a 13 hour shift (5 am- 6pm) on the first day! But, I am glad to report that it's going really well!! I've had a few times where both boys have been crying, but Hudson has been pretty laid back today and has let me tend to Madden when he's awake. And get this....I even brushed my teeth and threw a load of laundry in by noon!!! I know...amazing!! We will be heading to G&G Berg's for dinner and then daddy will be home!!
The boys are still eating about every 3 hours at night. Some nights are okay, and some are bad. I'm averaging about 4 hours of sleep. If only I got 4 in a row! Wow that would be amazing!! For the past week I have been pumping and bottle feeding during the day, and nursing at night. However, as my first day home alone proved...I am not going to be able to pump when I am I've been nursing today. We'll see how long I can keep this up. Nursing twins....who spit up while they not fun, nor easy!
Okay, better run. Have a good week....and thanks for checking in on us! (And vote on the polls!)
~The Berg's
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