So, yesterday marked the twins' 4 month Birthday!! I can't believe we've survived the first 4 months! :) HA. But with twins...unless you've done it, you have no clue. You can't even imagine what it's like to do double of everything...and you can't even imagine how it feels to have double the love! It's amazing!
Our little Miss P is just about 2 1/2....and boy, this week, we felt the wrath of the terrible twos, that's for sure!! Bedtimes battles...screaming and screaming....and getting out of bed because of owies, because she puked (not really, but she said she did), because she has to poop (just one more time, mom), wanting to be held, to give Madden and Hudson one more kiss, and on and on and on!! It is literally the first time in 30 months that I have dreaded bedtime! I would say, "Paisley, you need to lay down." and she would continuously say, "no, I'm not laying down." And what I wanted to say back to her wasn't very nice... :) I'm hoping this week she is on to some other phase!
I often wonder about the bond of siblings. Because I didn't grow up with any...I really can't even imagine what a twin bond is like. This picture below just melts my heart. I hope they do this again when they are 2, and 20 and 60.
So, Madden is 4 months old!! On June 9th, Mr. Madden rolled from his back to his belly!! He had been getting close, rocking on his side...but finally did it!! He is really good at bringing toys to his mouth to chew on them, he gets out of his swaddle at night time no matter how tight we roll him like a burrito, he snuggles into our necks and gives the best smiles!! He watches people super intently! Madden takes about 3 naps per day, and wakes a lot during the night. He eats between 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours. He still spits up a ton, but the medicine does help. I would no longer consider him a super fussy baby...but he is still a very needy baby. We sure love our Mad Mike!
Hudson is 4 months old!!! He opens his mouth so wide to smile, you can't help but smile with him. He laughs so hard, and is very ticklish. Hudson drools like you wouldn't believe and tries to get anything and everything he can in his mouth. He also grabs on to things and doesn't let go...most of the time it's his brother's ear, arm or head! Hudson is a fairly calm baby and sometimes just falls asleep while laying on the floor playing. Hudson takes about 3 naps per day and sleeps most of the night--waking just once (knock on wood) to eat. He eats 4-6 ounces every 3-4 hours and loves to be held! We sure love our H Bomb!
1 comment:
Your kids are beautiful, Brook!
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