The twins had their 4 month old check ups this week.....
Hudson: 13 pounds 12 ounces. Hudson is in the 24th percentile for weight. He is our chubby bunny. The rolls on his chin are endless....he gets lots of spit up, formula and lint stuck in those rolls! :) He is 23.62 inches tall (or long) which means he is in the....drum roll please.....7th, yes, I said 7th percentile for height. Poor thing!! Hudson got shots, but was a trooper!
Madden: 13 pounds 5 ounces. Madden is in the 18th percentile for weight. This is the biggest difference in weight the twins have had...ever. Even while in utero! Even though Madden gets an extra feeding at night, he doesn't drink as many ounces as Hudson often does during the day. Madden is 23.62 inches tall (or long) which means he is also in the 7th percentile for height! At least the two will be shorties together!! :) Madden got his shots and was a trooper too. The doc mentioned his atopic dermatitis...but we are experts at treating bad skin, as big sister taught us well.
Madden also found his feet this week, can sit with just a boppy around him for a short period of time and has been really happy!! (knock on wood)
Earlier in the week, my friends Rachel and Emily came to visit. I don't get to see Rachel very often, she is a professional runner and currently lives in CA-- in fact, I had never met her youngest, Hadley...and she's two!! The kids had fun playing and running around while us girls caught up. It's never often enough! (Also, can't kids ever just look nice in a group pic when we want them too?!?! :) )
The kids can now sit in their stroller without the car seats!!! Whoo hoo! This makes it much easier to push the train, and they are happier too!!
Saturday, we attended Craig's cousin, Ryan's graduation party! In the fall, Ryan will be going to St.Cloud State University...where I started my college career. Ahhh, the memories!! Congrats, and good luck, Ryan!

(Great Aunt Ann holding Hudson)
(The big-kid cousins playing ring around the rosey!)
Miss P will begin swimming lessons this week--- and just in time...she got her very first ear infection!!! UGH. Thursday night, she was up a ton crying...Friday just wasn't herself and I had a gut feeling. Sure enough, double ear infection. The doctor said no swimming lessons....but...when it takes forever to get in....we will be going. We just wont be getting any ears wet!! :) She's feeling better and LOVES taking her medicine twice a day! (this is her first prescription med--besides for her skin) Here she is practicing for lessons....

Also, I think the number one question I get is-- "how is your mom doing watching the kids this summer?" and my response..."she keeps coming back!" No, really....I think she is enjoying her time with the kids-- and we are SO thankful that she's willing to get up bright and early to watch the kids. Thank you, mom!! (and happy father's day too :) )
Miss P will begin swimming lessons this week--- and just in time...she got her very first ear infection!!! UGH. Thursday night, she was up a ton crying...Friday just wasn't herself and I had a gut feeling. Sure enough, double ear infection. The doctor said no swimming lessons....but...when it takes forever to get in....we will be going. We just wont be getting any ears wet!! :) She's feeling better and LOVES taking her medicine twice a day! (this is her first prescription med--besides for her skin) Here she is practicing for lessons....
Also, I think the number one question I get is-- "how is your mom doing watching the kids this summer?" and my response..."she keeps coming back!" No, really....I think she is enjoying her time with the kids-- and we are SO thankful that she's willing to get up bright and early to watch the kids. Thank you, mom!! (and happy father's day too :) )
Also...since I provide you with this reading entertainment each and every week--- can you please do me a favor?? :) On the side, please "vote" on the poll. I just have no idea how many people read the blog each week, and I am interested to know. Even if you are my best friend...a distant relative...or if we don't know each other at all...please just "click" so I can get a count!! Thanks!!
Off to another, very busy week!!
~The Berg's
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