The week began with the twins trying cereal for the first time!! Hudson made some pretty funny faces, but was really good at eating it! Madden liked it, but his little tongue pushed half of it out with each bite. They have both been having some cereal around supper time, and on Saturday, we even mixed some carrots in for some flavor. They both seemed to love it! I just can't believe they are old enough to be eating baby food!!
Mid week, Grandma Brenda brought Paisley to my work for a "Sensory Fun Day"! She sure had fun! Her favorite thing was pounding golf tee's in Styrofoam! Who would have thought?! (auntie Melissa comes up with some cool ideas!). She also loved the blue sand, fishing, finger painting and playing in shaving cream!
(Grandma and Miss P playing with play-doh)
(Goin' Fishin)
(Great Aunt Mary even stopped by to watch P having fun! You can also see Cams and Kyah in this picture! )
S0...Paisley also had swimming lessons this week!! She was in the parent/tot class! She was awesome!! She had no fear, loved jumping in, singing songs, making new friends, and was a great kicker! The only slight issue we had was that she was scared of the drains, the little grate things...she would cry for me to carry her over them...she did not want to step on those one bit!!

(She passed!!!!!)
The boys are doing well. Pictured below, Hudson Koehler...

The boys are doing well. Pictured below, Hudson Koehler...
And smiley Madden Michael....
The boys are getting too big. Soon I am not sure how we will pick them up at the same time! It's getting really difficult to carry them both. Hudson LOVES jumping in his play jumper, and Madden LOVES grabbing and eating his feet! They also both giggle when you pull them to a standing position. It's so fun to watch them play next to each other!
(If you look back to old blog posts, it's crazy how big they are---they used to both fit in this boppy with no problem. Not so much anymore!) -- Hudson on the Left, Madden on the Right)

We had a first this weekend too--- Hudson was sleeping, and Madden and Paisley were playing in the living room. I went into the kitchen to make Madden a bottle when I heard this horrible scream out of Madden. I knew something had happened...I ran in, and said, "Paisley, what did you do?" She said, "finger"....and sure enough, Madden had a huge bite mark on his finger!! I have no idea what possessed her to bite him, but she did! She walked right over and sat in a time out with no problem, and later said sorry to Madden. Oh, two year olds! I'm sure it's not the last time that will happen either!
Because Paisley's B-day is on Christmas, we are always sure to somewhat celebrate her 1/2 Birthday too. And on the 25th, Miss P turned the big 2.5. So....she got a Woody doll, and Chutes and Ladders! She also got a Toy Story Bed tent...but had to earn that by staying in her bed all night. (she's been getting up and begging to sleep with us). she is in her tent!!
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