This week was spent taking Paisley to her very first movie, "Toy Story 3"! She did awesome!! We also took a little trip to the Mall of America, swam in the little pool, and celebrated the 4th of July! Here are some pictures of our weekly adventures...
What's new with HUDSON? Hudson loves jumping on one leg in his jumparoo, he's been spitting up more, but loves eating cereal and baby food, he is talking a ton, and is sleeping until like 5 or 6 in the morning!! Whoo hoo! He pinches like crazy and still grabs on to anything and everything in sight.
What's new with MADDEN? Madden loves standing up, staring at people, is talking a lot, is rolling over, and loves loves loves eating his own feet! Madden still gets up a couple time a night but I am able to give him his nuk and he falls back asleep until around 4 when he eats. He also loves cereal and baby food...and eating his bibs.
What's new with PAISLEY? Our little Miss P, what a comedian. She is a master manipulator, and is struggling for autonomy! A few funny things Paisley has been doing----
So before nap one day I asked Paisley if she wanted to save her milk in the fridge for when she woke up. She said, yes, and proceeded to take her milk to her PLAY kitchen and put it in her PLAY fridge. Needless to say, that is where the other 3 sippy cups were...full of milk. Very rotten, chunky, smelly milk. MMM.
Paisley is really into pretend and imaginative play. She has a little "baby Cal" that lives in her belly, but sometimes comes out to play. Baby Cal sits in the palm of her hand and we have to be very quiet when he's sleeping! (for those of you who don't know, Cal is my brother in law, whom she adores!) It looks like baby Cal is about an inch tall. It's so fun watching her pretend play!
We had Paisley's speech evaluated last week, because I am concerned about her not saying some sounds, and the tone of some sounds. We will find out in two weeks if she qualifies for services, however....her sentences are long (you just might not understand her like I do). If I ask her to do something, or to be careful, she always says, "I am mom!!" She is very dramatic in her speech! (hmmm, weird) In fact, once for my mom and once for Craig this week she placed herself in a time out because "I am mad". Good for her. That sure makes our job easier! :)
AND... I have to say, bedtime has never been an issue for us. Until now. The excuses this girl comes up with to get out of bed are unreal. She has the typical excuses, like most kids-- have to go potty, I need a drink, I want a hug, I puked (oh, this isn't common?!?!)....and so on. However, Saturday night, she got creative. First she came down and told me she needed a vitamin. Next, it was, mom...take my picture!....and then it was BOO, I wanted to scare you mommy!! I wanted to laugh...what a stinker!
I also have been forgetting to mention how Paisley is totally potty trained (and has been for a while). She has been dry, even at night, for like 2-3 weeks now. I mean, she never really had accidents during the day, but night time was different. BUT, we've been pull-up free at night for a few weeks now!
And, the 4th! Whew. We celebrated at Lokken's-- too bad the weather was horrible!!! We did a few fireworks...Paisley loved them, Hudson wasn't phased, and Madden screamed. Shocker.
(Our little firecracker)
(Kids at the Lokkens watching uncle Randy shoot fireworks off of the dock.)
(And, the Fam on the Fourth. Paisley did not want to get her photo taken. Actually, she doesn't want to do anything we want her to. So, we just is good. )
Happy Birthday to Grandma Brenda tomorrow!! We all love you!!
~Brook n Fam
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