Miss P is all good in the hood. Earlier in the week we ended up taking her to the doctor because I thought she might have a bladder infection--the reason?? She peed on the living room carpet twice, next to my bed once, and wet her bed twice! Totally not like her!! She was also complaining of owies...which is the only thing she ever says, so I kinda...well, more than kind of ignored her complaining. Until the pee started flowing! But, looks like it's just an irritation from using bubble bath, so we're done with Dora bubbles---and knock on wood, no more pee in this hood.
I also have to share-- her newest "getting out of bed excuse" (at like 3 am).... "Mommy, there's a big bug in my room. It was on my arm and my said, NO bug! He was really big!"
OH, and one more Paisley-ism. So this is a first for us. Out of the blue on Saturday Paisley said, "My hate Matt!" (with the grumpiest face ever). Craig and I said, "Paisley, you don't say that, that's not nice, we don't hate anyone." and she said insistently, "yes, my do. my do hate matt!!" Okay, Matt is like the nicest guy you'll ever meet...so I have NO idea where this came from. Nor had we ever heard her say "hate" before. *SIGH* ...and here we go with the adventures of Miss Paisley Rian! :)
And...............The Fair. Always a good time, right?! Rides, junk food, games, people watching....
See this beautiful family picture?? Aren't we cute?? Looks pretty good, right?!?!
The best part of this family photo is what happened right before this! Craig was holding both boys, sat on the edge of the chair, and began to slide back...to get ready for the picture. 
See this beautiful family picture?? Aren't we cute?? Looks pretty good, right?!?!
AND THEN......He slid way back, and tipped backwards. Like I said, he was holding both boys so he couldn't catch himself!! His legs went straight in the air, and there he was!! .....AHH HA HA....
Ah, the rush of strangers to try to help Craig and the twins up. And me...I was mostly laughing so hard I couldn't help...and shouting, MOM, get this on camera!! (Nice wife and mother, I know!)
Thankfully, the guys were fine, and we got our lovely Leinies picture after all. Oh, I love you Craig. And mostly, because I am totally the clutsy one in the family, so it's nice when it's not me taking the digger! :)
And on to the real reason we went to the fair...

Saturday, we took our longest car trip with the twins, up to Tomahawk for our friends, Justin and Misty's wedding reception. It was really nice to catch up with friends (and their kids) and see everyone. Congrats, Justin and Misty! Below is a picture of "the guys" (missing a few) from high school.
(Rick, Brett, Jesse, Justin, Matt, Craig)
And today...Happy Birthday Cambree Faye!! Cam's turned 5 today; we went over to celebrate her Mario Bro's themed party!

Well...that's it from this busy mama. I can't wait to drive to work tomorrow, alone...listen to nothing...and relax for 15 minutes before my day begins. Hope you all have a great week!
And on to the real reason we went to the fair...
Saturday, we took our longest car trip with the twins, up to Tomahawk for our friends, Justin and Misty's wedding reception. It was really nice to catch up with friends (and their kids) and see everyone. Congrats, Justin and Misty! Below is a picture of "the guys" (missing a few) from high school.
And today...Happy Birthday Cambree Faye!! Cam's turned 5 today; we went over to celebrate her Mario Bro's themed party!
Well...that's it from this busy mama. I can't wait to drive to work tomorrow, alone...listen to nothing...and relax for 15 minutes before my day begins. Hope you all have a great week!
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