We met with Paisley's team of evaluators, and they determined that she does qualify for speech services! So, each week, Michelle will be coming to our home to work on the sounds "T", "F" and "D". Those are sounds she should already have, but doesn't. She is also "backing" many of her words (saying them towards the back of her throat)...so they will work on getting her to use the front of her mouth to produce sounds. She doesn't have a "speech delay"-- in fact, she is ahead of the curve in the amount of words she can say; her receptive and expressive language is awesome....it's just those few sounds makes her speech hard to understand. So....I'm excited to see some progress!
The twins are doing well too. They are both almost sitting alone-- they can sit unsupported for up to 10 seconds. They are eating cereal and baby food really well, working on a sippy cup......and....Madden's first tooth is just popping through!!
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