Hudson doesn't move much. He's content wherever we sit him down, usually. Although when he's on his tummy, he does scoot himself backwards across the entire room.
You'd think now that the twins are 7 months, that we'd be getting some sleep. WRONG. Craig's been working a lot, which means he often goes in to work at 1:00am. That means he is really tired. And that also means I don't have help at night. Therefore, I am also very tired! The last week or so, Madden has gotten up at least 10 times a night. One night, he stayed up for 3 hours!! Hudson typically only gets up 2-3 times, and Miss never know with her. She gets up at least twice to go potty. In which she insists you "help" her. But apparently to her, helping means, sit there and watch her go potty. Don't touch her. Don't get the TP for her. Just wake up, walk to the bathroom, watch her go potty, bring her back to bed....and do it all again in a few hours. It's super fun.
For Madden, I'm contemplating the cry it out method soon...we did it with Paisley....but with another baby in the same room, it brings a whole new element into it! I'm giving it a couple of weeks and then I might have to bite the bullet...the whole household might have to! :)
Miss P has always given us a run for our money. I deserve it, I'm sure. However...the control that this girl tries to get over us is unbelievable! Last week one morning after screaming and stomping (from both of us)...I threatened to take her to Londa's in just her undies. (this was after a long struggle of getting dressed)...she followed me out to the car, naked and screaming, as I strapped the boys in. Just then, she gave in, and put some clothes on. I pray that her Independence is used in a positive manner when she is an adult. You can pray to if you want. :)
In addition to her manipulative ways...Paisley can write the letters, P, A, I, E and B. She's so close to getting her name, and she writes them really well! She loves counting, singing and most of all....DANCING! She asks to have "dance parties" almost every day. (yes, I am loving every single minute of it)
Thanks for my monday morning smiles! they are just growing so fast! Hudsons haair reminds me of yours sticking straight up!
Thanks! I'm glad you still check it! I know, Hudson's hair is exactly like mine, and Paisleys! Besides the eyes, I think Hudson is a Koehler! We'll see if he get our laugh too! HA.
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