Madden slept better this past week. I didn't say good....but better. With his new found mobility, he is on the move in his crib too! He stands, but has no clue how to get down!
And Hudson is getting closer to being mobile. He scoots himself backwards, but is almost in crawling position. It's funny, because as Madden crawls around, Hudson stares at him, making raspberry (or spitting) noises. Almost like he's saying, "you're getting the attention again, poop on you!"
At night, Hudson doesn't all. He might arch his back and turn to his side a bit, but that's it.

The lack of pictures this week is because I was away from the kiddos...and took the camera! 6 of my friends from high school and I had been planning a girls weekend for several months...and this weekend, we finally hopped into the swagger wagon and headed down to Chicago! We reminisced, played games, chatted, laughed, shopped, WENT TO A PSYCHIC, had drinks, went to a dance club, laughed, and made awesome memories!! It was one of the best weekends with friends...ever!
So...what did the kids do while I was away??? Friday afternoon and evening all the kids went to Aunt Melissa and Uncle Cal's house to play. (thank you!) Paisley was all set to have her very first non-grandma sleepover. She packed her jammies, stuffed animals, blankie....she was so excited. And Friday night as I was in the middle of a heated game of Catch Phrase...I get a text that says Grandma Bonnie is going to pick Paisley up. She was crying for mommy and wanted to go home. *sigh* Nothing like breaking a mommy's heart on her first girls weekend away! And apparently, Grandma Bonnie then brought P back to our house, and she slept with her twin bed. What a dedicated (and likely tired and sore) grandma! :) Saturday, grandma Bonnie watched the kids while Craig worked....and then the 4 of them just hung out and played the rest of the weekend.
It feels good to be with my kiddos and hubby (whom by the way, according to the psychic is my soul mate.....I'm glad I paid someone to tell me that. lol) ---My guess is that we will spend the week listening to Madden whine and cry as he crawls up on us....Listening to Hudson spit all over while smiling...and playing with Paisers.
Enjoy your week too!
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