So, what's new with the Berg's you ask?? Well, we have a couple of copy cats in this household. When Madden screams (which is A LOT).....then Hudson chimes in. When Hudson shakes his head back and forth really fast, then Madden bangs his on whatever is near. When any child is near me, the other two are crawling up me to get their time in too. When Hudson has a toy, Madden takes it from him. Then Hudson takes it back. Repeat. When one jumps in the jump-a-roo, the other jumps just as high.

The last couple of nights haven't been fun. They both cried so much. And when one would be crying for a long period of time, he would wake the other! So frustrating. Last night wasn't too bad. It's the early mornings that are hard....they have not forgotten about that bottle, and are persistent in asking for it. will be better in the end. I can we get any less sleep??? So tonight, we continue hopes that soon they will just sleep through the night....ahhhh, I can just imagine how awesome that would be.....
Early Saturday morning, Craig and 7 other friends took off for Milwaukee to Farm Aid. They were able to see a million super good performers, including: Dave Matthews and Tim Reynolds, Nora Jones, Willie Nelson, Jason Mraz, Steven Tyler, Kenny Chesney, John Mellencamp, Amos Lee and Neil Young. He had a really good time (I have text messages to prove it. LOL)!! While Craig was in Milwaukee, my mom and I took the kids up north to see Aunt Mary and Uncle Larry. Paisley LOVED playing the piano. And not only did she play...but whomever was watching her play had to dance while she played. Aunt Mary has mirrors right near the piano, so Miss P would call me out if I stopped dancing to her beautiful piano playing. :)
On the way home, I stopped for a refreshing McDonald's fountain DC. mmmm. Paisley REALLY wanted chicken I got her some. About 2 miles down the road....SNORE....
Madden.... has his top two teeth now!!! (for a total of 4) He is crawling everywhere, and pulling up on everything! He can finally get down now, after standing at the couch or crib or where ever (yes!) He whines and cries SO much. I seriously don't think the kid will be happy until he is RUNNING!! But....the best part about Madden lately is that is is super snuggley! He'll lay on us and just snuggle in. He gives he best kisses too! He's also said "da da da" and "ga ga ga".
Hudson.... has zero teeth. But I swear those puppies have got to poke through soon. He's crying more than usual, and is chewing on everything! Hudson is on all fours crawling backwards. It's so sad...he sees something in front of him that he wants, but just moves backwards. He's so ticklish and still loves spitting. His hair is also getting long. Spikey, but long. I see a mohawk in the near future.
OH, and today... the twins were playing in the sun room and I was putting up the new calendar. I turned around and couldn't find Hudson. I looked in the living room. Then the kitchen. Nothing. I literally couldn't find him. Okay....he moves, but not that much....and then....I found him...behind an end table (and behind the curtains) playing with the cords!!! NICE. What a stinker. So of course I grabbed the camera.
The twins cannot do anything right according to Paisley. Whatever toy Madden is playing with, is Hudson's. Whatever toy Hudson is playing with, is Madden's. They can't touch anything...including their own stuff! Poor kiddos! But in the next moment, Paisley is loving them up and talking in baby talk to them. She is a very good, very controlling, big sister! :)

Our little Miss P is almost 3. Unreal. She is into singing, Barney, I-Carly, Puzzles, Having Picnics, Feeding her babies and Cleaning. Seriously...she wants to pick up the toys while we are playing! :) But how can you resist this??? ......
Our little Miss P is almost 3. Unreal. She is into singing, Barney, I-Carly, Puzzles, Having Picnics, Feeding her babies and Cleaning. Seriously...she wants to pick up the toys while we are playing! :) But how can you resist this??? ......
Here's hoping that this week is full of sleep, laughs, smiles, health...and big birthday wishes for Craig tomorrow! :)
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