Sunday, October 24, 2010

Into everything, and no proof...

"Yes, I love technology, but not as much as you, you see...but I still love technology, always and forever" (Kip, Napoleon Dynamite). The reason for this lovely song lyric....our stupid camera. UGH. For some reason right now on my memory card there are 37 pictures. Only about 5 of them are ones I actually took this week. The others are pictures I deleted months ago. Yes, deleted. How they reappeared, I'm not sure. Thus is why, I love technology.

Therefore, I have 3 pictures to share with you this week. Sad, I know!

We carved pumpkins. I did take pictures....but these are the only ones we get to view.

From Left to Right... Hudson with the nuk in (Daddy), Boots (Daddy), Tinkerbell (Paisley and Mommy), Madden (Daddy), Jack-o-Lantern face (Paisley and Mommy) and Oscar's paw print (Daddy).
The twins are into EVERYTHING. We literally cannot turn our backs for one second. Hudson loves to break pieces off of the Dish box, play with frames, and shake the end tables. Madden loves to eat dog food (literally...he shoves it in like it's candy), climb the stairs and find the hidden speaker wires. I (we) have never quite experienced mobility like this. I am so glad they love to explore...and I am so tired when the day is done!

Paisley spent much of the week being Dr.VandeLoo (our pediatrician). We had to call her Dr.VandeLoo, and she spoke in the 3rd person for several days. Our laundry room is his (or her) office and our bathroom is the elevator.
She is also into saying "almost"--- I almost fell over, I'm almost done eating, I'm almost tired...but not yet, mom.
It's been quite a week...we are blessed by our family everyday.
Hopefully my camera will cooperate next week....although, it was a good chance to bring back the good ol' Napoleon Dynamite lines. Maybe next week we can incorporate a little Dumb and Dumber....CRIIIIIPES.
Later Gator,
Brook n Fam

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