Sunday, November 14, 2010

9 month old twin boys, wowzers!

Happy 9 months, Hudson and Madden!!

Weighs 18 pounds 8 ounces (22nd percentile) and is 27.1 inches long (16th percentile)

Sleeping Pattern: Hudson wakes up around 6:30am, takes a morning nap from about 9:30-10:30, an afternoon nap from 1:30-3:00 and then goes to bed about 7/7:30. He typically sleeps through the night, except for the last few nights because....

Teeth: Hudson finally cut his first tooth!!

Things that make Hudson laugh: Anything and everything.

Vocabulary: ma ma ma, ba ba ba, da da da, ga ga ga, AGH!

Food: Out of all of our kids, so far, Hudson is the pickiest. He has gagged on mac n cheese, cottage cheese and some fruits. Overall, he is a great eater. He loves bologna, waffles, goldfish crackers, graham crackers, bananas, grilled cheese and yogurt. He eats almost all big-people food now and drinks like a pro from his sippy cup. He actually prefers his sippy over his bottle! (he gets 3 bottles a day/night too)

Motor Skills: Can use pincer grasp, crawl, pull himself to stand, take one-two steps hanging on to furniture/walking toy, clap, transfer objects from one hand to the other, bang toys together.

Trouble maker: Hudson loves cords and doors/drawers!!

AND....Hudson's hair went flat!! :) The back sticks up a little, but the dude has a new look!


Weighs 17 pounds 10 ounces (9th percentile) and we don't know how long he is. The nurse told us 26.1 inches...which means he shrunk and was in the negative percentile. My guess is, he scrunched up when she measured him. I will tell you though...he's short. :)

Sleeping Pattern: Madden wakes up around 6:30am, takes a morning nap from 9:30-10:30, an afternoon nap from 1:30-3:00 and goes to bed around 7/7:30. He still gets up several times a night...typically we can give him his nuk and he goes back to sleep. Around 4:30am he wakes about every 15 minutes...usually until he wakes Hudson up too!

Teeth: Madden has 6 teeth! 4 on the top and 2 on the bottom.

Things that make Madden laugh: Saying "I'm gonna get you" makes him laugh and smile SO big!

Vocabulary: Madden is loud! Ba Ba Ba, Ma Ma Ma, Da Da Da, Ga Ga Ga and he's always yelling, AGHHHH!

Food: Madden loves anything we give him. He especially loves mac n cheese, yogurt, grilled cheese, carrots and pickles. He drinks like a pro from his sippy cup and has 3 bottles a day/night.

Motor Skills: Can use pincer grasp, crawl, pull self to a stand, stand alone for 3 seconds, walk 10+ steps behind a walking toy, walk along couch, and clap.

Trouble Maker: Madden loves Oscar's water/food and climbing the stairs. The thing about Madden is that he's a loud trouble maker, so he's easy to follow!'s our 9 month old naked baby...

Paisley was in heaven when the boys had their check up and we got to see Dr. VandeLoo! She helped him check the boys out and asked over and over for all of his tools for her B-day. Luckily, Grandma Brenda already scooped up a deluxe Dr. kit for her!

Her new hair obsession....TWO buns.

"Paisley Dr.VandeLoo Mommy Cowboy"......

On Saturday, our God daughter and niece, Payton turned 1!! We went to an indoor park to celebrate! Happy B-day lovey!

This week, we did a lot of dancing, playing, reading, and coloring. Here is Miss P showing off her moves....

It was a wonderful week at the Berg's! We are blessed and thankful for all we have!
Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden and Oscie

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