This week, the big 3 year old had her check up. All is well with this munchkin. She weighs 29 pounds (25th percentile) and is 36.1 inches (also the 25th percentile). It was kind of funny because when our doctor was doing the developmental screening, he drew a straight line on a piece of paper and asked Paisley to also draw a straight line. She looked at him...paused....and then made his straight line into a P, then drew an A next to it. The doctor looked at me, smiled and said...okay, Paisley, now can you just draw a straight line for me. So, of course she did...but was probably wondering why this doctor would ask her to do such trivial things. :)
One concern I voiced to our pediatrician was Paisley's breathing/snoring/nasal sound. As you all know, she "backs" her words...using the back of her throat to talk, and sounds nasally. She has also really been much that I can hear her from the other level of the house. In addition, I've heard her stop breathing too....super scary. So...with all of that, we had a referral to the ENT the next day. And as you guessed it....Paisley will be having a tonsillectomy!! She seems so tiny to be having surgery...but I really think it will be the best thing for her. So, next Tuesday is the big day!
The twins....ah....the twins. They are SO close to really walking!! Hudson will take about 4 steps on his own now! Madden can do a couple steps too! It's going to be really soon, and they'll be offffffff! Both of them can also get to a standing position from the middle of the floor! They love walking to us and the cutest part....they clap for one another when the other does it!! :)
Okay....this next picture cracks me up!!!! It's like Hudson is a little playgirl model. So funny!
Thursday night, Paisley's wildest dreams came true.......she had a sleepover with her cousins, Makyah and Cambree! She's been asking for a really long finally, she got her wish (and auntie lissa and uncle cal got a night alone!) The girls went in the hot tub, played wii, made bead necklaces, played pictionary, and lots of other fun, girly, cousin stuff. Then, we ate junk food and watched a movie. Followed by bedtime stories and the 4 of us sleeping in my bed. Whew. (poor Craig and Oscar got booted to the couch)
And because Thursday night was so exciting for the kiddos....we decided to stay in, and jump on the couch for our own New Year's Eve that's just what we did. We took all the pillows, cushions and blankets in the house and jumped and jumped. The kids were in bed by 8, and Craig and I by 10. We're old, pregnant (well one of us), tired and ....well, parents of 3 little ones. Enough said, right? I'm sure in 10 years we'll party it up again like we did 10 years ago!
The kiddos on New Year's Eve....

And this is what it really looked like trying to get all 3 in a picture.

The kiddos on New Year's Eve....
And this is what it really looked like trying to get all 3 in a picture.
BABY Update: 17 Weeks!!
Wow...almost 1/2 there already! With all the commotion of the other kids, the time is passing so quickly....too quickly!! This week the baby's skeleton is changing from cartilage to bone, and is about 5 inches long already! I continue to have some cramping-- and lately, have been craving pierogies (my very favorite food that I make and eat about once every 2-3 years. So...I made some. And ate them for breakfast, lunch and dinner for 2 days straight!) and I have been craving air heads. Yes, the candy, air heads. Weird. I know. Just a few weeks till we have our ultra sound....I'm dying to know the gender is....and of course to make sure our little love bug is peeeerfect!
I want to thank Emily helping me with the fun, new look for our blog! And wish Great Grandma Wanda a Happy Birthday today!
I hope you have all set some realistic and positive goals for 2011. Personally, mine are to be more patient (especially with my kids and husband) and to judge less.
Happy New Year, and thank you for taking the time in your busy lives to check in on our growing family!
The Bergs
1 comment:
The little butters on the stairs are awesome! I want to squeeze them!
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