So...Craig and I are totally outnumbered! The kids have gone crazy and we are at their mercy! The twins don't stop for one second, and chasing them at just about 38 weeks pregnant isn't the most fun. :)
So, what are the kiddos in to??? (everything!! But to be more specific....)
Paisley: Writing, playing with friends, swinging--she can pump all by herself now, playing baseball, riding her scooter, drawing, playing games on the computer
Hudson: Hitting, swinging baseball bats and golf clubs at everything, eating dog food (still), singing songs, playing with cars, pulling hair, reading books, throwing things, playing in the toilet.
Madden: Biting, digging in the garbage, singing songs, playing with musical toys, dancing, begging for food, reading books, going for rides in the wagon.
And this past week, this is what we were up to....
Planting flowers!!!
BABY UPDATE: 38 weeks
As I mentioned last time, I didn't have the results of my lab work back. Well....I am anemic again. Ugh. I thought I could make it through this pregnancy without taking iron supplements, but nope. The good news....I'm strep B negative, so no antibiotics for me while in labor! (I was negative with Paisley but positive with the twins).
I toured the new birthing center at our hospital, and wow, it's really nice. It seems unreal that soon I will be there! I think about all of the yucky stuff that comes with giving birth...yeah, not gonna lie...not too excited about actual labor...and the aftermath of it. However, I am so anxious to see what baby B looks like....and smells like...and if she has hair....or Craig, Paisley and Madden's scowl :)
I've been having lots of contractions, sharp shooting pains and pressure. At my appointment this week, my doctor said that I am dilated to just 1 cm and that the baby is still high. Shoot. In just a few days, she'll check again...and probably strip my membranes too...but who knows if that really does anything.
Until then....I will enjoy being a mommy of three---as my biggest fear (...and puts me into tears every time I think about it) that Hudson and Madden will have to grow up too fast and will miss out on having their mommy available for them. I'm so scared that they won't get what they need and that I won't see them as my babies anymore. Of course I will do my very best, but it's still nerve wracking!!
So really, I'll try not to worry...and for real...until then... I will continue to eat green beans like they are running away. That's all I want, day and night....mmmm....
~Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden and Baby
I can't believe baby #4 will be here in two weeks!! Your blog is amazing and love reading it and seeing your adorable pictures! You look amazing Brook!! Good luck with the delivery, looking forward to seeing more pictures!
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