Another week has come and gone. I am still the mother of three outside babies and one inside baby!
Miss P has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of her "best friend", baby sister! We made a paper chain so that she could see how many days until baby arrives--at least let's hope it around the due date! There are 10 paper chains left as of today! We are getting near the end! I can only hope that the new baby will be this sweet...........
Because the weather was so beautiful, we did lots of playing outside! The kids loved the crazy sprinkler that G&G Berg got Paisley for Easter. Well....I guess I should say that Paisley and Madden loved it. Hudson...he liked it, kinda, some of the time, maybe.

One evening this week I had a late work meeting. So, I came home, made dinner and then had to get ready to go back to work. I left Craig and the kids downstairs in the living room so I could go change clothes and freshen up. While Craig was sitting RIGHT NEXT to the twins.....they got a TUB of Desitin open, and in about 2 minutes had a hay day with it. It was rubbed into the floor, on two chairs, on their rocking horse, and of course....on them. Sorry to say, I had to get going to my meeting just as this happened. Shoot. Craig was left to clean it up all by himself. ;) (No, I really did feel bad...that stuff is a pain to clean up!! )
Friday night we celebrated one of our very favorite babysitter's high school graduation!! Congrats, Carly! Luckily, Carly will still babysit for us once and a while this summer before she heads off to UW-Oshkosh to become a nurse!
And Saturday, we had some friends over for dinner, drinks and games! A few of the couples brought their kiddos....look how cute they are eating like big kids!
The twins also got to have their first, very own ice cream cone!!!
YUP. 39 weeks!! It's pretty much time for baby girl to make her debut. I am exhausted at the thought of moving. And by moving I mean, turning over in bed, know, the usual. My appointment this past week was good. Everything is normal. I am 2 cm dilated and the doctor could feel the baby's head pushing on my cervix-- so...she's gettin' ready! She did strip my membranes, but as you've already did nothing.
I'm trying to be patient, as I clearly know that inside babies are much easier to take care of than outside babies. However, that doesn't mean I'm not going crazy with anticipation of the whole thing!
Until next Sunday...
Miss P has been anxiously awaiting the arrival of her "best friend", baby sister! We made a paper chain so that she could see how many days until baby arrives--at least let's hope it around the due date! There are 10 paper chains left as of today! We are getting near the end! I can only hope that the new baby will be this sweet...........

One evening this week I had a late work meeting. So, I came home, made dinner and then had to get ready to go back to work. I left Craig and the kids downstairs in the living room so I could go change clothes and freshen up. While Craig was sitting RIGHT NEXT to the twins.....they got a TUB of Desitin open, and in about 2 minutes had a hay day with it. It was rubbed into the floor, on two chairs, on their rocking horse, and of course....on them. Sorry to say, I had to get going to my meeting just as this happened. Shoot. Craig was left to clean it up all by himself. ;) (No, I really did feel bad...that stuff is a pain to clean up!! )
Friday night we celebrated one of our very favorite babysitter's high school graduation!! Congrats, Carly! Luckily, Carly will still babysit for us once and a while this summer before she heads off to UW-Oshkosh to become a nurse!

The twins also got to have their first, very own ice cream cone!!!
YUP. 39 weeks!! It's pretty much time for baby girl to make her debut. I am exhausted at the thought of moving. And by moving I mean, turning over in bed, know, the usual. My appointment this past week was good. Everything is normal. I am 2 cm dilated and the doctor could feel the baby's head pushing on my cervix-- so...she's gettin' ready! She did strip my membranes, but as you've already did nothing.
I'm trying to be patient, as I clearly know that inside babies are much easier to take care of than outside babies. However, that doesn't mean I'm not going crazy with anticipation of the whole thing!
I am convinced that she will share a b-day with someone, since all of the kids do. And June is FULL of birthday's in our family--- and we narrowly missed Auntie Melissa's B-day on Saturday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEL!!....but we've got several others in the next two weeks we could hit! I'm hoping for a June 9th grandpa's b-day (and friend jodee's too!) if you could all do your magic tricks, that would be fabulous!
Until next Sunday...
The Berg family of 5 (plus Oscie)
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