The story of Everleigh's arrival...a few pictures...and a lot of love....
On Wednesday, June 15th, my due date.
Friday morning around 2am I woke to go to the bathroom, as usual. This time, I was afraid I didn't quite make it to the bathroom in time, and that I had accidentally gone! I thought, "could that be my water breaking?" hmmm. I waited and waited...and slowly but surely, about every 20 minutes a bit more would leak out. So I called L&D and they assured me it was likely my water...not that I was peeing my pants every so often. :)
My mom came to watch the kids and Craig and I got to the hospital around 6am. I still wasn't having any contractions, so it was weird heading in, knowing I would have a baby in the next 24 hours. Shortly after I arrived, they started me on pitocin, to jump start my contractions. It didn't take long, and the contractions were strong and not very far apart. By this time, Grandma Bonnie took over "big kid" duties and my mom joined me at the hospital.

My contractions continued to be very strong and very close together. I asked for an epidural. They put it in...terribly. And it didn't work. So, they took it out and tried it again. This time...ahhh...pain relief! It wasn't long after my epidural started working that the baby's heart rate continued to drop. They would move me from side to side--but nothing seemed to help. All of the sudden, nurses started running everywhere. They threw Craig some scrubs and said, "put these on!" I knew exactly what was happening, even though the nurses tried to stay calm for me and assure me that everything would be fine. I may have been numb, but I wasn't deaf. The scurry of the hospital room was really nerve wracking. As they prepped me and gave me a shot to stop my contractions, the only thing I could think of was my poor little babies at home. I knew exactly what this meant. With tears running down my face I turned to the nurse and said, "I can't have a C-Section. I have 16 month old twins at home and I have to be able to take care of them." The nurse looked at me and said, "Honey, if we don't do the C-Section, you won't have a baby to hold." That totally put things into perspective...and I just did what they told. It was just minutes later that they were literally running me down the hall, banging into walls and doors to the operating room. I wondered where Craig was, and I wondered what my mom was doing too. Shortly after we got into the operating room, my doctor yelled, "I have to start cutting!" and the anesthesiologist said, "I can't find a vein!" (at this point, several people were yelling back and forth). My doctor said, "Brook, can you feel this?" I responded, "No"....and she began cutting. Craig still wasn't in the room, but I could see him standing outside the room, peering in the little window with his hands forming "I love you". And thankfully, shortly after that, they let him in. I actually don't remember him being by my side at all, because before I even knew it, our beautiful little girl was here! Craig met her at the warmer, and I could hear her crying. She was perfect. The little stinker was wearing her cord like a backpack, around both shoulders. So every time I had a contraction, it cut off all supply in two areas of the cord. We are so lucky that she was fine (and are so thankful for modern technology!)...she weighed 7 pound 7 ounces and yes....she came out with a bit of a scowl! :)

I hate this next picture...but for the sake of my children seeing this when they are's the reality of Everleigh's birth.

Mommy meeting Ever for the first time!

And a VERY proud Daddy...

Craig and the nurses took Everleigh back to the room while I finished up surgery. When they wheeled me back in the room, my doctor came in to let me know that I had actually lost a great deal of blood (3x the normal amount) and I needed to have a blood transfusion. So, 4.5 hours later, I was pumped full of blood and my blood pressure and hemoglobin counts were in the low/normal range again.
Overall, it was a really scary experience. I mean....who has 7 pound twins epidural, no stitches.....and then has her fourth child via c-section and needs a blood transfusion?! ME. Of course I do.
However, I am not complaining. I am home, almost one week later...healthy, with a beautiful healthy baby. Life is amazing.

Big sister Paisley is simply in awe of "the new baby" (as she still calls her). She begs to hold her every minute of the day, mimics whatever we say to Everleigh, and loves her up SO much!

In the hospital, Hudson and Madden gave her kisses, but otherwise, just trashed the hospital room. :) Hudson was scared to death of me in the bed and screamed when I tried to kiss him. Talk about breaking a mother's heart!

Our stay in the hospital was just about 4 days. A HUGE thank you to both Grandma's for taking wonderful care of Paisley, Hudson, Madden and Oscar while Craig helped me at the hospital. With the C-Section came a whole bunch of not fun rules! No picking up anything over 15 pounds for 6 weeks. Yes, 6 weeks. That means I cannot be left alone with my own children....I am not able to put the twins in their high chairs, cribs, car seats....nothing. Thankfully, Craig is off for 6 weeks and has been doing all of the work with the boys. And my mom has been the best. She's grocery shopped for us, helped with baths and bedtime...and been at our every beck and call. SO grateful for her!!!

(Everleigh, heading home from the hospital- 3 days old)

And the fam (missing the boys) heading home!! Whoo hoo!
A few questions we've been getting----
How are Hudson and Madden with her? Well...curious. They try to hit her about 75% of the time. Sometimes they sneak in a "nice touch" or a kiss, but not often. They are having a hard time not understanding that I can't pick them up-- and I am having an even harder time with it. I've cried a few times out of pure sadness and frustration...and a lot of guilt, that I can't help them.
Are you getting any sleep? If you are a follower of our family....DUH...Nope. Some nights are better than others of course, but we are running on very low fuel in the Berg household!
How is it having 4 children, 3 and under? Well, so far, Everleigh isn't much work. She eats, sleeps and poops. So right now, not too bad (except the lack of sleep). However, this will be short lived, I'm sure...and as crazy as our household is, it's only bound to get worse. And by worse I mean that in the nicest way possible. :)
How long are you off work? I am off for about 6 weeks...give or take. Work is going through some major changes right now, so I may be putting in a few hours here or there--but I'm going to take as much time as I can. It's hard knowing for sure that this is the last one. And I know I said that just 16 months ago. But for real now. :) This is it.
How did you come up with Everleigh? And Calla? I saw the name Everleigh in a magazine when we were pregnant with Paisley and have liked it since then. Also, my bff read a book in which the character's name was Ever...which I liked. Calla I came up with from various things. I liked the name Callaway, Calla for short--- and I also like Calla Lillys. So Calla it is.
P.S. Nobody has asked me this.....but let me just say-- C-Sections SUCK. Period.
As you know...the twins are into everything. We can't lay Everleigh down anywhere. We thought we'd borrow a pack and play (ours is in our room) for the living room. WRONG.

Instead it became a fun place to throw toys and climb on. So for now, if she's not in our arms, she's in a safe place up high. Oh, boy!

We already can't imagine our life with out Everleigh Calla. She is a blessing in so many ways.

Thank you to all who have visited, sent cards, called, emailed, dropped off food--- even if I haven't responded, I promise, I appreciate all of the congrats and well wishes so much!
Looking forward to sharing our weekly stories with you all....
Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Everleigh...and Oscar too! sure to check out the post below.....
I love reading your blog posts, Brook!! Your crazy family is just beautiful and I know if anyone can handle the four kids, it's you! Congrats on baby Everleigh and enjoy your time at home with her and the rest of the munchkins!
Well Brook she is just the cutest! I'm glad everything ended ok sad i didn't get to come visit:(. I had all 3 of mine c-section and the emergency one was the worst, planned seemed to be a easier recovery. I really hope I get up there again this summer to visit!!
Thanks, guys!
Your birth story is amazing! Thank you for sharing!
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