Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Fun, Fun and the Fourth

The past week has been lots of fun! We got out of the house a lot and enjoyed the warm summer days!
(Hudson and Daddy shoving orange slices in their mouth!)
(Paisley showing her sisterly love, while picnicking)
(H Bomb)
(Mad Mike)

The boys were in need of a haircut. Poor Madden....still sporting the mullet. The front of his hair just will not grow! Craig has been cutting his own hair and thinks he's Mary Wojtyna :) so he went ahead and cut their hair! I was a nervous wreck...but he did just fine!

We also took the kids to a water fountain to swim in! They LOVED it!
This is what Everleigh did the whole time....

So, you are probably wondering how Baby E is doing?!?! She has her days and nights mixed up, which means we are running on empty here. The no sleep is so hard to deal with, especially when we have to keep up with Paisley and the twins-- and the messiest house ever. I swear, these kids can trash the house in literally 2 minutes. We are never ahead! Everleigh (so far) is a pretty calm baby. She has her moments of crabbiness, and has a terrible tummy....she projectile vomits after every feeding. We burp her, and then just wait. Because it never fails that her outfit (and ours) has to be changed! She is looking around and gaining more focus. Her head is getting stronger by the day. She is still wearing mostly newborn clothing, but should be able to move into 0-3 stuff very soon. I still think that she looks like a combination of all of the kids--however, she still has blue eyes, which is a first for the Berg kiddos! I'm sure they will change to brown or green...but for now I love looking into those big blue eyes!
Over the weekend we joined our friends for boating and swimming. Hudson screamed and whined for a long time before finally calming down and playing in the mud and swimming. Madden warmed up to the water faster, and loved it. That child is fearless. We swam, ate junk food and got totally filthy. It was awesome!

And the fourth of July..... first we had Cambree's 6th Birthday to celebrate!! Then we enjoyed more food, swimming, family, friends and of course....fireworks!! The kids (and Craig and I!) were completely exhausted last night. Well...all the kids except Everleigh. She stayed up past midnight and was a stinker all night!
OH, and the best part......Grandpa Mike is home for 3 months!! His first time meeting his newest grandbaby. It's pretty cool when you never had children, but gained 4 grandchildren within 3 years! :)

And Happy Birthday to the left-over firecracker! We love you Grandma Brenda!

Paisley's first time tubing!!

(Madden zonked!)

All of the kids have really adjusted nicely to Everleigh! Paisley is a wonderful help, and the boys have learned how to do nice touches (most of the time)--- although I'm confident if we weren't watching, the touches would be anything but nice! She fits right in with our family-- and even though when we go anywhere it looks like we are leaving on vacation for 2 weeks...life wouldn't be the same without her, and we are so blessed!

Hope you all had a nice 4th of July!
Talk to you next weekend!
~The Bergs

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