Sunday, July 10, 2011

Our joys and blessings

Tonight we are starting backwards. The youngest child and the most recent event first. This morning we joined at Sacred Heart Church to see our baby girl receive the sacrament of baptism! Our regular priest is off for the summer, so things were a bit different than with the other three children, but then again, Baby E hasn't done anything the way her sister and brothers have!

You might notice Everleigh's dress. It's Craig's mom's wedding gown, remade into a baptismal gown. All of the girl grandchildren have worn it and have their names embroidered on it. Everleigh is the last to wear it. I think. (and no....another won't be coming from us! :) ) Anyway, it's such a special part of the day!
Everleigh's Godmother is our friend (and my co-worker), Lisa. Everleigh is so lucky to have Lisa, as she is the perfect fit to help raise Everleigh in the Catholic church. We are so grateful that she could share in this day with our family!
And the Bergs family of six--- in a 90 degree church, with crabby and over tired 1 year old twins and a three year old who just wants to run around the church with her cousins! I have a feeling the family pictures will only get worse before they get better!
And the grandparents too....
And the great grandparents....
We are thankful and blessed to have Everleigh in our family. We are reminded on this day what a privilege we have preparing her for the special plans God has for her!

So now that Everleigh is 3 weeks old, she definitely has a "crabby" time. She typically wakes up from about 9pm-12am just to hang with her good old ma and pa. I think she likes the alone time. Which in a way is good because she doesn't have to compete with supper and the other kiddos....however, her parents would appreciate a little bit of sleep once and a while!
She also continues to spit up, a lot. It's something I will be talking to our pediatrician about when we go next week. The poor thing can't eat at all with out puking it all back up. She just stiffens out and you can tell she's in pain.

She does have some awake and non-crying times though. She enjoys her play mat and being outside walking around. Lots of people have asked how she compares to the other kids. At this point, I'd say she's not the best and she's not the worst, in terms of crabbiness.

The TWINS, Dun dun Dun.

Both Hudson and Madden are teething. They each have 4 teeth coming in. It makes for tons of drooling and some crabby 1 year olds. You can often see them both in the pretend kitchen cooking you up something to eat. Then they shove the fork in your face and say, "BITE". You politely take a bike of plastic mashed potatoes or a rubbery apple, and do it again and again and again. They also love looking at books. They point and say "THAT?" to every. single. thing. I love it. I can just see them soaking in every word and object. The twins have recently really started to communicate with each other, just the two of them. They will sit in their cribs and giggle. I'm not sure what Madden does...but I can hear banging around and then Hudson hysterically laughing. It's SO cute! You might also find them chasing each other around the house just yelling and laughing. They are becoming thoughtful of each other and will go find the other's nuk or blanky if they are sad. So sweet.
A couple of pics of the boys....
Madden Michael

Hudson Koehler

And BIG Sister (and BOSS!)
Paisley can finally touch the pedals on the bike that she got exactly one year ago!! Whoo hoo!!
She also finished up her last class of "tot-nastics" this week. Even Hudson and Madden got to watch! Paisley said her favorite part was the uneven bars, even though she always chose the beam or vault over the bars! Here is a recap of her last day....

When I said big sister and boss, I wasn't kidding. The best part, Paisley loves her sister to the moon and back. She helps us by grabbing diapers and wipes and burp rags and whatever else we need. And when I went into work for a meeting this week.....she was in heaven.....!
Paisley has also been talking NON STOP. Like literally....she is never quiet. I know, I know...those of you who know me, I already know what you're thinking. SHUSH. :) But really....the child can talk! She asks "Why?" about everything. And whatever your answer's not good enough, and you'll get about 10 more "but, why". She is into extreme make believe play and goes on and on creating scenarios around the house. And the phrase we hear the most often--- "You know why I need this?" (No, Paisley, why?) "Because I just need it." ----okay, good. Glad we cleared that up!
Paisley is a great kiddo! She would draw for hours and is very thoughtful. She makes us shake our head, and then smile. :)

And here she is with her second cousin, Jaclyn, today at the baptism.

Well....that was lots of typing for this gal. Hope you enjoyed your update on the kiddos....
Brook and gang

1 comment:

mkdjklcooper said...

Congrats on the Baptism! I did not know you belonged to Sacred Heart as I have not seen you there before! I was quite hot holding Lucas at St. Pat's this morning so I can imagine how you felt later in the morning!