Sunday, August 28, 2011

Bloggity Blog Time

First, a picture of the twins-- banging on the fireplace. This week I got very few (two to be exact) pictures of the boys. They are always on the go and getting a picture is nearly impossible! So here is what they look like while getting into trouble. I am not kidding when I say that whatever one does, the other does too. It's unreal how they watch the other one get in trouble, laugh, and do the same thing. And it's quite frustrating too, if I do say so myself.

Everleigh had a good week. We're getting some big smiles from our baby girl, and lots of noises too!

This weekend Grandma took us all to the Festival in the Pines. Ev sported her rock princess outfit. I mean, really. Can you get any cuter?

Grandma bought the boys Elmo balloons. They were deathly afraid of them. They screamed every time one came near them. Now that they're (I should say "it"...since one didn't even make it to the car :( ) is in our house, they love it!

Thanks for a fun day, Grandma Bonnie!
I know what you're thinking. That's it?? Yup. That's it. I'm really sorry...I didn't take many pictures this week. Bad mommy. In fact, it was Oscar's 7th Birthday on Saturday--and I didn't even get a picture of him. Terrible. Funny how the first few years of Oscar's life he had his own birthday party complete with dog themed food, gifts and a cake with his picture on it. We still love him the same, we really do...just not enough time in the day to do it all.

~Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden, Everleigh and Oscar

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