Sunday, August 21, 2011


This week, Everleigh turned two months old!

She weighed in at 10 pounds 15 ounces (49th percentile) and 21.65 inches long (22nd percentile). Everleigh loves to smile, coo and is starting to squeal a bit. She's been requiring a bit more attention lately and has been a bit more fussy. Not Paisley or Madden type fussy, but like, normal baby, fussy. She can grasp a toy and hang on to it for a while, and her head is getting less bobble-like by the day! Everleigh really doesn't have a schedule yet during the day-- which means I need to get her on one! I've been hoping she would fall into some type of a routine as far as sleeping times, but so far she hasn't. She does eat every 3 hours and both nurses and takes a bottle really well. She's been going to bed around 11pm and sleeping (knock on wood) until about 5:00! She is by far my best night time sleeper!

(showing off her grasping and talking skills at the same time!)

Hudson and Madden are now 18 months old !! I'd love to tell you the story about me taking them to their 18 month check up-- are you ready?? SCREEEEEEEEEAM. The end. Yup, they screamed for 1 hour straight. Hudson hit the doctor and Madden drug the diaper bag to the door and banged on it. Then when Madden was being examined, Hudson decided to hit the doctor again! And then came 4 shots each, and the screams continued. Overall it was quite the visit. Needless to say, Craig had the easy job staying home with the girls!

Hudson weighed 23 pounds 4 ounces (16th percentile) and is 31.69 inches long (31 percentile). Hudson loves anything electronic. He likes cords and outlets and is obsessed with the computer. He also has an amazing arm and throws everything. Hard. Hudders loves fruit, mac n cheese, yogurt, chicken nuggets and corn. He also shoves more food that you can imagine in his mouth at once. He loves reading books, hitting and running in circles screaming "a-da da, a-da da"!

Madden weighed in at 21 pounds 11 ounces (5th percentile) and is 30.51 inches long (7th percentile). Madden likes anything musical. He's always dancing and trying to play guitar. Madden loves to pull hair, read books, point and say "that?" and laugh when you tell him NO! His favorite foods are french fries, apples, yogurt, hard salami, and mac n cheese.

Milestone wise, both boys are doing the same things--- throwing a ball overhand, brushing their own teeth, stacking blocks, "helping" around the house, using a spoon and fork, taking their shirt off, walking up stairs hanging on to the rail, scribbling and are pointing to about 10 body parts.

The twins had their first, in the salon, hair cuts. It actually went very well!

(Hudson trying to play on the computer)

This weekend, we attended the wedding of my cousin, Olivia and her new husband, Mike! Paisley had a blast dancing and dancing and dancing. And dancing some more! Congrats, Olivia and Mike...we are so happy for you!

When it was time to get a family picture-- I decided we didn't have enough hands for all of our kids. Well, to be exact, we have the same amount of hands as children, but it's just not that easy. So...this is the best we could do. At least Craig and I are looking, right?!

At the end of the night, the twins snuggled with Grandma and each other. It was so sweet!
~The Bergs

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