Sunday, November 6, 2011

Halloween '11

Our Halloween was fabulous. Minnie Mouse was more excited than you can even imagine, Bert & Ernie did surprisingly well and were content eating a sucker, and Lil Punkin loved the warmth of the house in her grandpa's arms...

Halloween 2011 was a success!!

Miss P is always making us laugh. Three of her recent Paisleyisms...
1) During our nightly dance party she says with her Berg-like scowl, "UGH! Mom, don't dance so rough!" (umm, okay?!...I was just dancing like I normally do!)
2) As she is eating breakfast I hear her singing, "Ring around the rosy, pocket full of asses."
3) Madden was crying--she says, "Madden, maybe you have a kangaroo sore on your butt because those really hurt!"
Gotta love her!

Last week I shared with you how obsessed Madden has become with movies. Now, it's just Elmo. Today I let him watch an Elmo movie...he begged to watch it again, so I gave in. The third time...I wasn't about to be that he cried and cried and cried at the TV. Paisley and Hudson were playing tea party in their "tent" that you see below. Poor dude, just wouldn't let it go...

And...our number four, as she was called for so eating rice cereal. Pretty big girl! She wasn't very fond of it the first couple of days--and although she's a pretty messy eater, she's getting the hang of it now. Isn't blogging fun? You get to see all of the "firsts" too!

When I say that the twins get into everything, I promise you that I am not exaggerating at all. With Paisley, we could say "no" one or two times, and she usually got the hint. These wild n crazy guys were born without the ability to hear the word NO and they were also born with an innate trait to trash anything and everything possible.
I stand up to begin cleaning up dinner, turn around literally seconds later, and this is what I get....
Yup. Looks like a great idea to smear my yogurt all over the chair next to me. And it looks like a good time to get away with it too, because my brother is climbing on the counter and is about to start throwing things off....or dig in the drawers. I should be in the clear for a few more minutes...

And Everleigh Calla's very first tooth popped through this weekend!! Yay for teething!!
And she has also become very fond of her feet!

Hope you've enjoyed your play back montage of life at the Bergs!
Talk to you next week!
~Brook, Craig, Paisley, Hudson, Madden & Everleigh

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