Sunday, September 13, 2015

First Day of School

Whoa. It's been a crazy couple of weeks. My babes are in school. Big kids. All four of them.

Starting out, we had signing day. We met teachers, put school supplies away and visited other areas of the school. Note to self: I will never, ever do that alone with all four kids again.

First we have Madden, with Mrs. Maves-Labs

Next we visited Hudson's teacher, Mrs. Mazurek (same teacher as Paisley had--just a new name, and some bling to go with it)

Finding lockers....

And checking out how far apart they will be from each other. Hudson's class is the door on the left, Madden's on the right.

Next we made it to Ms. Dunn's room to see Paisley's second grade classroom.

The big kids, ready to take on Locust Lane.

And so the next day we were ready for Kindergarten and Second grade!

Paisley still wants to be a fashion designer...

I took about 1700 pictures of Madden. All but one looked like this. He has some phobia of the flash on my camera. I put the camera in my hands, and his face automatically looks like this.
Madden wants to be a video game maker.
Here's the one photo! :)
Hudson wants to be a blue angel pilot when he grows up.

My loves. (and Madden's sweet face, again.)

It was hard to say goodbye to Monchichi, but Daddy took good care of him!
At school!

Madden wanted to go play right away, but Hudson wouldn't. Madden came back and tried to convince him to play, but he still wouldn't. So then Madden wouldn't either. It was such confirmation that separating them was the right decision.

Miss P found her friends right away.
I tried several time, and nothing I can do with flip this picture. So go ahead, tilt your head to the right, and enjoy. :)
By this time, Hudson was not smiling about going to school.
We left Paisley at her door, and walked to send the twins off.
Hugs goodbye.

And off they went. Not a tear. From them anyway. They looked so scared. But they listened and walked in to that big, overwhelming school.

The great news? Everyone had a great first day. And actually, a great first two weeks. In the morning, they say they don't want to go to school, but when we pick them up, they are excited and all smiles. What a relief.
The first day, the twins said that they couldn't find each other at lunch, so they weren't able to sit with each other. It broke my heart. But since then, they've made friends, and sit together, with their new buddies. It makes me beam. Although their lunches come home with tons of food in them, so I'm not sure how much eating they're really doing. Which also makes me sad. They promise me that they aren't hungry. Who knows.

Then.....the next week, Little Baby E started 4K!
Do you want to wear something pretty? How about this dress? Or cute leggings? Nope. No, no, no. I want jeans and a t-shirt. Okay then. That will also be perfect for when you are a mommy and work at McDonalds.
Seriously, love her.

Putting her bag in her locker...
And visiting with Miss Emily.

She clung to us. We walked around the classroom and found something fun for her to work on. Craig and I looked at each other, shrugged our shoulders, leaned over, gave her a big hug and kiss and said goodbye.

And that was it. She just let us go. I was shocked.
I went to the door to peek in. Every once and a while, she'd look toward the door, but otherwise, she just kept playing.
I wanted to bawl my freaking eyes out. She's our baby. She didn't know a single sole in there. But she did just fine...
And when we picked her up, she too had a wonderful day!

School is in. That means dance, and CCD and soccer and football have started/are starting too. I like the more structured routine, but hate the lack of time together.

While daddy built a bench, the kids built stuff too...

We did some swimming, went up north to visit great grandma, went to the high school football game and played outside.

This old man is now 11. And I'm not sure how you can get much cuter.
Thanks for checking in with the Bergie Bunch.
Until next week,

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