Sunday, October 11, 2015

'Too busy' is a thing

Holy cow. Holy buckets. Holy crap. Holy Shit.
People say that there's no such thing as being too busy--that if you really want something, you'll make time for it. Whoever those people are, have never lived my life.
I feel like I can't get my head above water. And throw in planning and getting ready for a vacation on top of normal life...AHHH.

So...I'm not going to do justice to the great, crazy-busy week we've had. Here's a quick glance, because it's 8:00 and I haven't eaten dinner yet. And I like food. So yeah.

We watched Makyah play volleyball! So fun!
We celebrated Craig's birthday at the apple orchard/pumpkin patch.

Craig and I attended a wedding in southern WI. The kids stayed with Grandma Brenda and did hiking, dollar store shopping, sewing and more! While they had fun with her, we celebrated Emily and Kevin. Emily was one of Paisley's first babysitters. Then we went through her sisters until they all moved away for college. It was so fun to all be together again!

And Emily's mom--my dear friend, Lisa, and Melissa.
Craig and I also celebrated our 11 year anniversary. We had dinner (uninterrupted) and went to a going away party for our friend Seth. The years are flying is too busy...and I know that our alone time is not enough...but that soon enough the house will be too quiet, so we'll try to find a balance that is healthy for us and for our kids.

We also went to the drive-in movie theatre with the Lokkens. Fun and freezing times.
Our little soccer rocker finished up her season. All of her good pictures are on my camera, which wont upload to our computer for some reason. And it's now 8:15, and I still like food...and I'm still yeah....
It was fun watching her and I have a feeling we will be signing up again in the future.

So....this week brings 750 things. Literally. Well, okay. Not literally. But it feels like it.
But guess what? At the end of this week...our family will be on VACATION!
There definitely won't be a blog next weekend, because next Sunday night we will be at Epcot. :) I look forward to sifting through pictures of our trip and uploading them as soon as we return though!

Check ya later!
Mama B

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