Sunday, March 25, 2012

Outside? Yes, please!

 Everleigh's 9 month checkup was great. She weighs 17 pounds, 7 ounces (23%) and is 27.68 inches (53%).

We walked to "Paisley's school" to play over the beautiful weekend....

And the kids and I grabbed Grandma Brenda and went to the Jump Club to watch the sky divers!

You'll notice...Everleigh's digging in the wagon, Paisley's concerned about Ev, Madden's screaming because there was a dog there...and Grandma and Hudson are checking out the planes/skydivers.

I love this picture, totally unedited...just in front of the sun...and you can see one other person just behind him, and another higher up to the right. Looks SO fun. I will do this someday soon. 

And...ummm, that's it. I know. I know...really short. So until next time....

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