Sunday, December 15, 2013

it had to be the dog, didn't it.

Snowy fun...

After our shoveling duties were done, I decide to take the kids sledding. I was alone, so couldn't really take pictures and help them up and down the hill.
That night, Paisley wanted Madden to sleep in her loft with him. I said, "but what about Hudson?" to which they replied, "he can just sleep on the floor under us." Needless to say, that wasn't quite fair, so we opted for pushing the twins' beds together and all sleeping in there.

After about 30 minutes of, "MOM! Everleigh won't be quiet!", Everleigh made her way back to her own bed for the night.
I hope these kinds of nights are some of their best memories. :)
Mr Oliver Berg has been making his way around the house these days...
A little winter fun.

This week Paisley went to see the allergist. After an IEP meeting with her Speech and Language Pathologist and her teacher, they had voiced their concern about the nasal quality of Paisley's voice. They indicated that she was able to make all of the sounds, but when talking, the airflow sounds like it stops, therefore when she talks, she sounds extremely stuffed up.

Upon examination, it seems as though there is complete blockage in Paisley's nostril. The poor thing literally cannot breathe through her nose--obviously why she sounds stuffed up. She is! Just not with snot--with tissue.
So for now, she's on two steroids to see if it will open on it's own. If not, we will see the ENT for possible surgery.
Paisley also is always sneezing--they tested her for 14 allergens. She reacted to 12 of them. The largest and most severe reaction was to.....Dogs. Yup. Dogs. We aren't getting rid of Oscar (judge us if you want--but he's our family too)...but we'll be limiting where he can go in the house and doing several other things to help. She's also allergic to cats, outdoor mold, trees, etc.

Hugs, Miss P! Sorry you got stuck with your father's genetics. :)
This little girl turns 11 this week. I don't even know how that's possible. I'm sure it was yesterday she was refusing to walk down the aisle at our wedding. Happy Birthday, Makyah Grace! We love you!
The big kid cousins...

Kyah with the littles...

The next few weeks are crazy busy--I look forward to sharing pictures with you as we celebrate birthdays and Christmas!



Manda said...
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Manda said...

When I was younger I was tested for allergies and found to be allergic to dogs and cats as well. Needless to say I have been around them my whole life.

The Dr told my mom at that point that the more exposure I had the more immune I would become until it possibly just went away all together.

I am pretty good now, the only issues I have are with itchy/watery eyes if I forget to wash my hands after petting the cat. Otherwise the dog doesn't bother me, and neither does the long haired cat.