Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bub-Bye's, Bikes, and Bears...Oh My!

Reading with Grandpa

Checking out the creek with the boys

The bear was hungry!


"Quack, Quack, Quack"
(but...we forgot the bread!)

This week was our send off for Grandpa Mike (Moe), as he left for Afghanistan this week. :( I will miss him so much. When ever I need a smile, he talks like my friend Donald Duck...and I always laugh...I will really miss him! I hope he calls and writes lots...but I'll be sure to use out the web cam at Grandma's too! He will be home in late August....I will have grown so much by then!
So, my mom thinks she found a reason for the tantrums...I'm growing!!! This week my vocabulary has grown! I've added the words, "car", "socks", "Grandma", "banana" (nana), and finally...."thank you"!! Unless I really have my mind set on something, I am a fairly good listener too! Don't be fooled, I still threw some awesome drag down tantrums...but overall it was a much better week!

This week I had so much fun playing with my neighbors and my cousins! My daddy cut down a pine tree...and while he worked (and mom sat there sipping her diet coke)...I played with the neighbor girls!! I also spent lots of time in the bike carrier, back and forth to Great Grandma Evie's house because they had an estate sale...and daddy was off for 3 whole days!! Then on Saturday Grandma Brenda came to play while mom and dad went to watch Makyah's dance recital! I wish I could have know me and dancing!!....but maybe next year. Sunday we went to Irvine Park....oooh oooh ahh know what that means....monkeys!! They had other fun animals too! I got to watch a bear eat right in front of me! I like it there. I hope we can go back very soon!

I think that's it. OOHH, one more thing....I heard a rumor that the nuk fairy was coming to take all my nukies away....but somehow I got out of it!! HA HA HA! I have a pretty bad cough, and I think my mom felt sorry for me. She gave me some tylenol and MY NUK. Whew!!! Sucker!!!

Have a good week! Don't forget to watch my video clip too!!
Miss P


Cheese Lady said...

oh how sad that mike is going away for so long, whats he going to be doing?? Paisley is so cute!and such a stylish dresser too, tell Brenda she looks great and it was fun to hear her same old laugh on the vidio. We have to get together when i come up to help Nicole with the baby.. Just a couple weeks away now!!

Bergie Bunch Confessions said...

Mike took a job to work on airplanes...he works 3 months on, 3 months off. I hope my mom isn't too lonely!
YES!! I had no idea Nicole lived in EC!! You better put lots of pics up on your blog when the baby gets here!

Cheese Lady said...

you can find her at the starbucks on clairmont usally in the morning but i'm not sure how much longer she'll be working